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2 days later

Christmas was tomorrow and Meredith and most of the hospital staff where on holiday break for 3 days.

Her and Lexie had spent time putting the tree up and listening to carols. It was about 9 pm right now and they where both snuggled on the couch in a blanket with hot chocolate, watching home alone for the 50th time. Somehow it was still funny every time.

Derek in the other hand was just sitting with mark in his penthouse, watching robbery movies with a scotch in his hand. He looked outside and saw the light snowfall coming down from the clouds and rolled his eyes. Mark had forced him to put a tree up so Derek got a small fake little tree and put one single star on top and that was it.

His mother had called earlier to tell him to pick up the mail for holiday cards and gifts.

He stood up and put his jacket on, "come on mark let's go" and they both walked downstairs and down the street to get the mail.


"Mer look! A Christmas Eve snowfall!" Lexie sat up and they both looked out the window to see the chunky while flakes falling from the sky.

"Well we have to check the mail anyways, wanna go out with me?" Meredith asked. Lexie looked over and beamed with joy. She doesn't get outside much because it's kinda hard, but it's Christmas and Meredith couldn't help it.

Meredith helped her get into her snow gear and Meredith got into hers. They grabbed the mail box keys and went out the door, taking the elevator down to the front hall and walking down.

"It's so beautiful" Lexie took a deep breath and smiled. Meredith nodded her head and they continued walking down the street to their mail office.


"So how's Meredith? Have you tried to make a move?" Mark asked as they continued walking.

"Ha no. She's a waste of time" Derek laughed as they approached the office. Mark rolled his eyes as they stepped into the warm office and walked over to Dereks mailbox.

He opened it and was greeted with a stack of holiday cards from his billions of family. He sighed and started going through them until they heard the door open.

"Careful lex" Derek heard a familiar voice and looked up, seeing his assistant help her sister get the wheelchair up the steps.

"Crap. I can't it over..." Meredith sighed and stood up, not realizing the two men standing there. Mark looked up and saw Meredith looking around the wheelchair to try and figure a way to get it up, he glanced at Derek.

"Well are you going to help her?" Mark whispered to Derek. He looked over me and silently laughed. "Nope." Mark rolled his eyes and ran over to help.

"Lex can you wait out here? I'll only be a minute-"

"Meredith! Long time no see" mark showed up with a smile. "Oh hey mark" Meredith smiled. Lexie looked up and smiled as mark looked down and smiled at her. She blushed and pulled her hat down a little.

"Need some help?" He asked and stepped down, picking the chair up and walking it to the office. Lexie laughed as Mer followed behind her.

"Thanks mark. Your amazing" Meredith smiled and saw Lexie reach into the pocket beside her chair and pull out a card. "Here... marry Christmas" Lexie smiled and blushed, handing the card to mark.

He took it and smiled. "Any plans for Christmas?" Meredith asked. "Nope. Just hanging out with this jack ass" he pointed to Derek. Meredith looked over and realized he was there, freezing in her tracks.

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