17 // noor loves communication

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Noor loved communication in relationships. She and Quentin were usually quite good at it, actually. But there was something going on that Quentin wasn't telling her - something he thought or did or wanted that was a secret - and it was bothering Noor to no end. Now that she had patched things up with Zafira (who was acting odd as well, though Zafira had always been a little weird) she resolved to focus more on her romantic relationships, meaning Quenoor.

As she and Zafira made their daily trek to the cafe in silence, Noor spoke. "Do you think something's off with Quentin?"

The question seemed to catch Zafira off guard. "I-- What?"

"Do you think something's off with Quentin?" Noor asked again. "I need an outsider's opinion."

Zafira sniffed. "I'm hardly an outsider."

"An outsider to the relationship, I meant," Noor said, rolling her eyes.

"Oh. Well then, I don't think Quentin's been acting any more off than he ever does," Zafira said.

This comforted Noor slightly. Maybe it was all in her head. "Do you think Vincent told him horrible things about me when you and I were fighting?" Noor asked.

"Like how you snore at night?" Zafira asked. "Probably." Noor shoved her. Zafira grinned. "No, I don't think Vincent would say horrible things about you to anybody. He always says that he likes you."

"Good," Noor said, relieved. "Do you think Quentin could be cheating?"

Zafira stopped in her tracks, turning to face Noor. "Perhaps he's just having an off week, have you considered that? You're jumping to conclusions."

Noor hummed in reply. After a moment she began, "Do you think--"

"No," Zafira said, slicing a hand through the air. "Enough. It's too early in the morning for this."

Noor made a pouty face. "Whyyy? Aren't we friends now? Won't you help me?" Zafira rolled her eyes, walking a little faster. Noor trailed after her. "Do you think he's jealous of you?" she asked.

"Me?" Zafira repeated, baffled. "Why?"

Noor shrugged. "Dunno. He's made a few offhand comments about you."

"What's there to be jealous of?" Zafira asked. "Our academic rivalry?"

Noor snorted. "Our closeness, probably."

They had reached the door of the cafe by then, and Zafira opened it. "Let your dear Quentin know that he's free to switch beds with me and listen to you snore all night. I have it on good authority that Vincent never makes a noise while he sleeps." Noor shook her head, sighing, as they went to order their drinks.

Later, curled up on the couch in Quentin's dorm, Noor asked Quentin about Zafira. "So," she started, fighting to sound casual, "what do you think of Zafira?"

"In what way?" Quentin asked, eyes still on the TV.

"In all ways," Noor answered. She picked at the blanket that was laying on her lap.

"I think," Quentin said, choosing his words carefully, "it's great that you... have her."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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