08. S2E9

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— As they look into each other's eyes with mixed feelings. They quickly jumped off the car and Logan stormed inside. Yoon hee waited for Logan in the driver seat. She is terrified by the sight of a fainted woman in Logan's arms few minutes later. Logan quickly placed the woman in the back seat and asked Yoon hee to form a quick CPR on her. Oh Yoon Hee sat on top of the woman torso and begin to pump the woman's heart on top of her skin. "What happened Logan?! Why did she faint?!" Logan ignored her question and made his way to the driver seat before he drove them away from the scene. He put on a strength in his feet on the pedal to brush Dan Tae's men off the car.

Oh Yoon Hee eyes were swollen from the experience she was forced to face that evening with Yoon Chul but it doesn't stop her tears from falling down again.

She was tired of the panic situation as she repeatedly switched from pushing the woman's chest in attempt to wake her up and blowing air into the her lungs. The softness of their lips touching together doesn't affect Yoon-hee. The only thing she wanted was for the woman to breath herself again.

"Joo Dan Tae. Why are you pointing the gun at me?"

"I knew from the get-go that you had changed." Dan Tae stepped forward with his arm still raised on the air pointing the dangerous weapon infront of Su-Ryeon's forehead. The woman took few steps backward but still looking calm as always.

"You wouldn't take my calls, you wouldn't come back.. there must be a reason why you avoided me. Were you planning on leaving me?" He questioned her actions for the past two years furiously. Su-ryeon stopped moving backwards when her fingers met the table. She chuckled for a bit before releasing the shots back at him.

"Shoot me if you can." She grinned as she took a step forward. "If you think that you can keep your fortune without me, shoot me." She winked at the now intimidated man. She then hardened her facial face. "You scumbag." She said staring into his eyes sharply. 

"Whoever dares to betray me will die, you are no exception." He inhaled for a sec before exhaling hardly. Showing that he was serious with the promise he made with himself.

Shim Su-ryeon quickly twisted the man's elbow to change the direction of the gun. Dan Tae placed her grip on the woman's shoulder and attempted to push her away just to be stumbled together with her to the table. He accidentally shot the gun that was pointing upwards causing the divine lamp from the ceiling to break and hit his shoulder. Shim su ryeon hit her head at the edge of the table and fainted few steps away from the bleeding man. Her vision went dark as she felt dizzy on the ground.

Open you eyes Na Ae Gyo-ssi!

She wouldn't open her eyes Logan!

Yoon-hee ssi, don't give up on her just yet! Her beats were still there when I checked it before.

Na Ae Gyo-ssi!
Na Ae Gyo-ssi!

The fainted sound is replaced with the warm touch on her lips. She could feel a pair of legs were placed neatly beside her waist and a weigh on top of her. The warm touch came for the second, third and fourth when she finally opened her eyes and quickly placed her hand at the back of the person's neck. Pulling her into a deep kiss. Taking all her breath away.

When Su-ryeon realised her act, she pushed the woman away and pinned her down. Flipping the red haired woman onto the car seat. "Strawberry is nice. I've always liked a dessert after dinner." Su-ryeon rubbed the soft lips of a woman she just kissed with her right thumb. Her left hand was still holding on the woman's wrists. She placed her left knee closer to the woman's body in between her legs. She saw a tear fell down from the corner of her eye. "Let me go Ae Gyo-ssi." Yoon-hee ordered her. The startled woman changed her face features from soft to a serious one. Shim su ryeon keep on putting a flirty act whenever she's around Yoon-hee because she knew that Na Ae Gyo is a flirty woman regardless to which gender of the person.

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