10. S2E9

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—"It's been awhile since I last go for a date with her." Shim Su-ryeon observed the place for sometime before she found the figure she's been looking for.

Su-ryeon sneaked up to the person at the seat quietly. She slid up her hand to move the person's red hair to the side and poked her right cheek. The person gasped at her touch. "You sure do that often, don't you." Yoon-hee rolled her eyes. "Only to some people." Su-ryeon whispered in her ear, making Yoon-hee's ear turning red. She giggled softly at her response. Yoon-hee moved away slightly and looked at the woman beside her who's now grinning before she focused her eyes back on the strawberry milkshakes.

"Have a seat, Na Ae Gyo-ssi. I don't know what you like so I ordered my favourite drink for you. It's really delicious, I've ordered it many times before. " Shim Su-ryeon sensed a little uneasiness from Yoon-hee words. She already knew that Yoon-hee likes strawberry scent over anything else. They went there several times and she had always ordered the same one.

Su-ryeon let out a sigh and took a seat across from Yoon-hee. "I've always like strawberry as dessert after dinner. Except that it wasn't the time yet to have my meal." Su-ryeon played with the straw for a bit and switched her eyes back up to meet Yoon-hee's eyes. She saw the woman infront of her was tensing up with her tease. She formed a smile at the corner of her lips.

A ring of Su-Ryeon's phone broke the silence between them. At first Su-ryeon ignored it but then she was insisted by Yoon-hee to pick up the call. Su-ryeon sighed in frustration and looked over to her phone.

Joo Dan Tae is calling.

Shim Su-ryeon formed a wicked smile at her new amusement. "Na Ae Gyo is at your service. What do you need this time, honey?" She answered playfully. Su-ryeon took a quick glance to see Yoon-hee's response. She was indeed annoyed but tried to hide her expression from the woman infront of her. "Honey, it's me. Could I ask you for a favor?" Su-ryeon took a sip of her drink without breaking the eye contact with Yoon-hee. "Go ahead." She saw the woman swallowed as Su-ryeon licked her bottom lip. "I need you to take care of this witch." Su-ryeon picked up the strawberry on top of the icing and licked the icing off from the strawberry. She maintained her eyes with Yoon-hee as she bit the strawberry slightly. "Is this witch.. hot?" She saw the expression of annoying face infront of her changed. Yoon-hee picked up the drink infront of her and gulped down a few times. "You know her honey, Oh Yoon Hee. The crazy woman that was close with Shim Su-ryeon. " Su-ryeon looked at the woman infront of her that was scooping the icing into her mouth with the strawberry slice. She stood up and leaned a bit forward. "Oh Yoon-hee. I like her name." Su-ryeon wiped a bit of the icing from Yoon-hee lips and licked the cream away from her thumb. "I will gladly teach her a few lessons honey." Yoon-hee bit her lower lip before looking away from the flirty woman. Su-ryeon leaned back and sat properly in her seat.

"That's my expertise. Let's talk later when we meet." She ended the call and met the woman's eyes again. "It seems like this won't be the last time we will meet, sexy witch Oh Yoon-hee ssi." Oh Yoon-hee cleared her throat while looking away and quickly spotted the two figures at the door. She stood up and placed her hand on top of Su-Ryeon's hand. "They're here. Are you sure that you want to see them just from here Na Ae Gyo-ssi?" The soft skin that's holding on her hand was giving heat in Su-Ryeon's chest. Su-ryeon stared at the hand holding hers before answering. "Then would you like me to go there and cry my eyes out for them? You forgot that I don't give a damn about them right? I'm just here to see how good you are at keeping your promises." She chuckled nervously then brushed the hand away from her hand. Yoon-hee gave her a faint smile before making her way to the twins. Su-ryeon knew she hurt her with her words. But that's what she needed to do to keep up her act as the cold Na Ae Gyo.

In those few minutes of silence. Su-ryeon just stared, observing, and watching at the three person movements and expressions. While she was doing that, she unconsciously focusing more of her attention towards the woman in the purple blazer. She found Oh Yoon-hee was quite adorable from that angle. As she was slurping the strawberry shake and formed a small smile whenever she's swallowing the drink down. But her focus was disturbed when she saw her daughter, Joo Seok Kyung was standing up and Oh Yoon-hee was holding onto her daughter's arm. Trying to say something to convince the teenager to listen to what she needed to say. Joo Seok Kyung was exchanging a few glances with her brother Joo Seok Hoon before she made a frustrating face and threw the strawberry shake on Yoon-hee clothes. She shook Yoon-hee's hand off and walked away. Seok-hoon just bowing down a few times, apologising for her sister's harsh behaviour. Shim Su-Ryeon closed her mouth disbelief, she felt bad for Oh Yoon-hee. She then quickly go to her car and searched for Yoon-hee's clothes that were left in her apartment the other day. She had washed them all and placed it neatly at the passenger seat to give it back to Yoon-hee the next time they meet. She walked in back and was looking for Oh Yoon-hee. The woman is gone. She went to the counter to ask and the cashier said that she offered the woman to change her clothes in the staff bathroom. There's shower too in there, she knew that she couldn't let the woman to go home sticky with the sugar drink. There's a spare clothes too in the staff bathroom. Since it it passed the break hour. There won't be anyone in the room. Without wasting any more time, Su-ryeon made her way to the room. She entered and found the woman was standing at the counter, wiping her eyes quickly when she saw another person was walking in. The sweet scent filled the room. Oh Yoon-hee haven't wash herself yet from the dripping water. Su-ryeon walked up to her with the paper bag in her hand.

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