8 - Eavesdropping and Reply

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TW - swearing


I hated Schlatt. I was so sick of him and the stupid fucking election. I was trying my best to help Quackity but it wasn't going great and I didn't know what to do.

I was currently sat in my English class, listening to the teacher drone on and on and on about Shakespeare. Well actually I wasn't listening to the teacher talking, I was pretending to listen. In actual fact I was eavesdropping on the conversation behind me because Schlatt told me I had to make sure I got information on his opposition. That meant listening to Wilbur's conversations.

He was currently having a whispered argument with Tommy and I leaned back slightly in my chair so I could hear what they were saying.

"-fucks sake Will, I'm trying my best here but its hard now that you've suspended Jack. And Niki told me you're thinking about suspending her as well! All she did was lend Quackity her fucking math notes!" Tommy hissed. Interesting, so L'Manberg was falling apart from the inside.

"Tommy, she was fraternising with the enemy! Quackity is Schlatt's boyfriend! He's also the Vice President! I can't risk being betrayed," Wilbur snapped back, slamming his hand down on the desk and making the teacher pause her lecture for a moment. I quickly looked down at my notes.

I internally cursed Wilbur and Tommy for talking about that in class. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to report anything to Schlatt, he always seemed to know when I was lying to him.

For the rest of class I debated on wether or not I should try and lie to him. By the time the bell went I decided that I would just avoid him for as long as possible.

I walked through the school's grounds, looking for a place to hide. Eventually I came across a small stone bench that was half concealed in bushes.

As I approached, I noticed two pieces of paper under a rock on the floor. I slowly bent down and picked them up, curious about why someone would leave them there.

They were two letters.

The first one read:

I'm going to talk about my feelings now.
I just feel so alone, everyone acts like I'm the plague or something and I have no memories! I've been told that I did something evil, thats why I was sent here, but I don't remember doing it! I don't even remember what IT was!
Today I thought I had a chance at a friend but it was ruined.
I don't know what to do.
I'm lost.
I'm alone.

Thank's for listening I guess. Till next time?

- Ender

And the second one read:

I know this is probably weird and you didn't want anyone to write back but I need to get some things off my chest.
I also feel alone. Even though I have friends and my brother to hang out with I just feel like there's no one I can really talk to. I feel like everyone's using me for their own benefit! I'm being manipulated by the people I love and it fucking sucks.
I don't know what to do.
I'm also lost.
I'm also alone.

Thank's for listening. Sorry if this is weird. It just felt good to let my feelings out

- Big Man

I read through them a couple of times. I felt like I was half intruding on a private conversation but then again it couldn't hurt to write back as well right? I definitely needed to let go of some of the stuff that was bottled up inside of me. It wasn't like they had to reply or anything.

After a moment I pulled a piece of paper out of my school bag and began to scribble a response.

You don't have to reply to this. I just wanted to talk aswell.
I just feel like everyday I'm putting on a brave face but I'm scared of what this guy will do to me. I'm trapped by this guy, I won't say his name cause it'll give me away. But I just feel like I need a little space to breathe. I'm always making wrong turns. I always feel like I'm treading on egg shells. I'm making so many wrong turns. I just can't keep everybody satisfied.
I don't know what to do.
I'm also lost.
I'm also alone.

Thank's for listening. Maybe we could help each other?

- Bee

I signed it as Bee, because both of the others seemed to have used aliases and I loved bees so it fitted well. Once I was done I replaced the rock and papers on the floor, the only difference being that now there were three letters.

After that I just sat on the bench, swinging my legs back and forth, letting thoughts consume my mind. I just wished I had a real friend that I could talk to.

Then the bell went.

I sighed and stood up. I had to face Schlatt. He was in the class I had now.

I tried to delay my arrival for as long as I could but eventually I arrived and saw Schlatt sitting in the back corner of the classroom. He beckoned me over and I walked as slowly as I dared.

Once I sat down Schlatt gave me a cruel smile.
"Tubbo! Any news?" He asked, gripping my shoulder. I hung my head, avoiding eye contact.
"No," I muttered, fiddling with hands in my lap. Schlatt's hand tightened on my shoulder and I felt a burst of pain.
"Don't fucking lie to me," He hissed. I was about to respond when Schlatt called out to the teacher.

"Miss! Tubbo isn't feeling well! Can I take him to the nurse?"

I looked up, confused. I was fine. The teacher nodded and Schlatt muttered a quick thank you before dragging me out of the classroom. He pulled me down a few corridors and into a vacant bathroom. Once we were inside he turned to face me.

"Schlatt, what are-"

His fist connected with my head and I collapsed onto the ground, black spots appearing in the corners of my vision.
"Don't you dare fucking lie to me again Tubbo," He snarled, sending a kick to my stomach before walking out of the bathroom, leaving me curled up on the floor, tears streaming down my face.

I tried to stand but was blinded with pain. I only just saw the outline of a tall figure standing in the doorway and a flash of black and white hair before I blacked completely.

Word count - 1107

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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