chapter7 part 2: The Lake

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(After what happend the previous day got them  athinking  what will happend if they  actually had lost Jett,Fallon seem to be in love with him ,she wouldnt want to see him die ,after their kiss the whole  situation was akward they  didnt talk about it,Dorian and Samael still didnt had the chance to clear the conversation they had  and Reena still was concern about what she saw and what Remus  had told her.They  started walking to find somewher to stay and eat but the forest was to big that was pointless to keep going ,everyone was tired and they  couldnt move anymore they were starving and they smelled bad .)

DORIAN: I cant do this anymore my feet hurt

SAMAEL: Same here

JETT: Okay we will stop here and i will go to find  food

REMUS: Are you out of your mind  your wound is not  close yet you will  stay her with me 

FALLON:  I will go

REENA:  I will go as well

(Fallon and Reena went deep in the forest to find something to eat,Reena wanted to try and apoligize about what she had said to her sister but  she didnt know if it was too late ,she turned to tell her sorry but Fallon opened her mouth and said first.)

FALLON: If I tried to  find you  when i learned about you,I was scared about  what i was   going to see.I didt had the guts to come and face you,I thought if i told you who I am and what I do for living you would  think as me like an outcast of society ,a killer that kills to survive

(Reena  couldnt believe that this fearlees girl had  a weaknes,she turned and told her)

REENA: I  feel that whatever happend all this years had a reason because without you and your friends ,I would never had tasted the feeling of freedom,You did what you had to survive  ,the olny thing that matters is that you found me and saved me and my soul

(Fallon hugged her so hard that Reena couldnt breath  at some point ,they heard screams and Reena turned and said)

Reena- I hear sceaming 

(They both rushed back , and they saw that the guys werent screaming ,they were just swimming inside the lake and they were trying to learn Remus how to swim right ,they jumped into the laked as well and they started  splashing  them  with water.Samael thought  that he  never had so many friends before.After they  finished swimming in the lake ,Reena started a fire with Remus help and Fallon  had got some fishes from earlier and they  ate them at some point Samael couldnt hold it anymore and i said it)

SAMAEL: I am glad i found you all

(Everyone look at him with a smile and they said together we are glad we found each other  ,Jett went in to eat his fish but there was a big bug on it and he fell on his butt everyone started  laughing. Samael didnt know when was the last time he  laughed so hard .After they ate ,they  went to sleep . Suddenly Samael  heard someone leaving from where they  were sleeping ,it was Dorian. HE followed him he was going  to the lake,Samael  hide behind a bush and Samael had  saw him  getting undress.Dorian  turned and saw him ,He made me a signal to come in too .Samael was so nervous but he went in ,Dorian  looked at him  and said )

DORIAN: Night swimmings are everything

(Samael Studder  and said )

SAMAEL: Y-e-s 

(Dorian looked at him  with his eyes into his soul,is like he was a hurricane and he was about to destroy  mSamael  olny by looking at him ,at some point a shooting  star  was passing  and he told Samael)

DORIAN: Lets make a wish

(They both did their wish and iSamel was curious to learn what Dorians wish was .So he asked him straight forward)

SAMAEL: What did you wished for ?

DORIAN: I can tell you but is better if I show you

(He came close to Samael  ,got him  by the  waist but his hands on his  lips. Samael knew what he was about to do but he  couldnt react he came closer,they  were one inch away from each other and he told Samael)

DORIAN: Close your eyes

(Samael   closed them and he kissed him ,the tension was there ,when he stopped kissing me he swam out from the lake took his clothes put them on and left.As Samael was watching him i felt butterflies in my stomach and his heart was beating so fast  that he thouthgt he would have  a heart attack.After a while they  went back  and lied next to each other  ,with Dorians back facing  Samael , he told him)

DORIAN: Can you hug me please i feel more safe when you are close to me 

(Samael didnt even reply  ,he  hugged him and they went to sleep...)

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