Chapter8 part 2:Mask Festival

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(Three hours later ,they  found a small river and got thr chance to rest  for a bit but they  couldnt stay for long Esra  was going to catch up ,Fallon came close to Samael  and healed the small wound  he had on him  .Jett was concern about Samael  and came to speak to him)

JETT: Samael  we need to speak

(He was mad like  Samael did something whrong)

SAMAEL : About what?

JETT: What you did today ,you wont repeat it,whatever happends to me or anyone else you wont try to save us  by risking your life

SAMAEL : You mean i will sit back and watch you die without doing nothing?

JETT: No you will live  and you will live for me too,you know sooner or later  I will die ,my job has  one path death

SAMAEL: Dont say that 

JETT: Samael you are almost an adult no , you need to  take things more serious ,your life is more important than mine.So promise me that whatever happends  to me you wont try to save me

(Samael  didnt know if  one day he would have to keep this promise but he  was sure he  wouldnt keep it anyways .Jett  wasnt olny the one protecting him  but he was his best  friend as well)

SAMAEL:  I will 

JETT: Good

(Fallon looked that Jett was concern about something so she went to talk to him)

FALLON: Are you alright?

JETT: I need you to promise me something

Fallon-Promise you what?

JETT: If  someone trys to kill me you wont let Samael to try and save me 

(Fallon couldnt believe her ears )

FALLON: What,I cant do that he will  hate me ,If i do something like that

JETT: Then do it for me 

(Fallon couldnt say no after what he said and she said okay)

(They  continued with their  horses finally they were back at the town,unfortunately for them  ,In every corner there were  pictures with  a reward for their heads so they  rushed quickly  in a shop  and bought  some clothes to change and got some masks.They  were lucky because tonight was the mask festival and everyone was wearing a  mask .Reena had never saw a festival in her life  and she wanted them  to stay they  couldnt say no to her after everything she had been through. They stayed for the festival,Fallon and  Jeet found a room at one of the motels near by and  the rest of them went around the festival Remus and Reena went inside a tent of a fortune teller and Reen wanted her to  read her hand.The fortune teller took her hand and she said)

FORTUNE TELLER: You are in danger,what follows next in your life will not be so optimistic ,whenever there is a witch mark  ,evil appears,Your sister is going to go through something really bad and she will need   to choose evil or good

(Reena was concern about what the fortune teller had told her  but Remus told her  that those things are stupid ,meanwhile me and Dorian were dancing ,He was a really good dancer at some point they  bumped into a familiar face it was Estella .Samael wanted to  avoid her but she turned and  saw him)

ESTELLA: Samael is that you?

SAMAEL: Oh hi Estella how are you?
ESTELLA: I am good but sad about you ditching me at the dance floor  that night you disappeard ,oh who is  that?

DORIAN: I  am his boy..

(Samael put his  hand on his mouth and told him shhh,but Dorian took his hand down and  finished the word)

DORIAN: Boyfriend 

(Estella thought he wa joking  and said)

ESTELLA: Hahhahahha, Your friend is really funny

(Dorian looked at her  with a serious face )

DORIAN: Is not a joke

(Estella got pissed  and said)

ESTELLA: You are just a  toy so he can have fun with  ,didnt he say to you that he is going to marry  me  ,we have an arrange marriage

(Dorian looked at Samael  with  a disapointed  face and left, he runned behind him and asked him)

SAMAEL: What is whrong?

DORIAN: Are you seriously asking me that,when were you going to tell me that you are supposed to marry that girl

SAMAEL: I didnt know,I was so confused about your feelings for me that I forgot about her and you never told me you wanted to be with me

DORIAN: Oh so now is my fault,I am gay was that clear to you ,from the first time i saw you i liked you but I couldnt opened up to you because when I open my feelings to someone they always screw me over .Is this enough for you .Yes I like to play games but with you It was diffrent,You are diffrent

(Dorian had never opened to Samael  like he did right now   and he  knew what he  had to do ,without even thinking about it he  kissed him like it was the end of  the world ,He closed his eyes and looked at  me like i was someone else I got his hand and we went back to the dancing place .I pulled him and kissed him again in front of the people that were dancing,Estella saw it as well she came at Samael and throw the glass of wine she was carrying in my face and left .Samael  and Dorian stared laughing non stop.They went at some public toilets ,Smael took off his shirt  and Dorian gave me his jacket.In the meantime  Fallon and Jett were looking the whole festival from the balcony of the motel room ,so they could keep watch if Esra appeared)

FALLON: About what you told me ,I  dont think I can do this

JETT: There is something that you cant do ,oh really

FALLON: Stop messing around,If I have the chance  to save you i will take it and risk my life for you.When i saw you dying I released that you meant a lot to me and the  thought that you could die ,I dont think i can handel that 

(Jett looked at Fallon with his brown eyes , and pined me on the wall ,he started kissing her  ,he picked her  up and they  went to the bed .He started unbuttoning her  shirt and his  pulled his shirt up ,he took her hands ,put them on his abs and she  was feeling his heart beating so fast.He started coming down on Fallon  and he put his hand on her lips so  she wouldnt start to shout.....After some hour he was on top looked at her and said) 

JETT: Do you know how beautiful you are ?

(Fallon blushed  and  she  could feel her heart  exlpoding from the  adreline, and then she  said) 

FALLON: I love you 

(Jett smiled and answerd back)

JETT: I love you too

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