Chapter 1: Phantomhive Manor

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The ride to the Phantomhive manor was dark and cold. It was 10:00 in the evening and the Kazugiri twins were just arriving to the manor. Ciel Phantomhive, a 14 year old boy was already asleep in his chambers while Sebastian did his chores around the halls.
"Are we almost there?" Karina Kazugiri asked.
Her twin brother, Kiril Kazugiri, responded.
As the carriage headed closer and closer to the manor, the twins looked out at the window to see the huge building. It was grand and absolutely beautiful. The coachman stepped out, opened the door for the twins, and helped them with their luggage. They approached the manor and it's huge walls, knocking on the door.
The door opened revealing a tall, black haired butler dressed in black standing before them.
"Lord Kiril and Lady Karina Kazugiri." The butler said.
"Welcome to the Phantomhive Manor. I am Sebastian Michaelis, the esteemed butler of the estate. Do come in."
Sebastian gave a light smile and helped carry the bags as well as closing the door behind them. The Phantomhive manor was very grand. Sebastian was showing the twins around until-
Karina and Kiril were startled by the loud boom from the kitchen. They saw three servants coming out coughing from the kitchen.
"What happened now?" Sebastian said sighing and rubbing his head.
"Mister Sebastian sir! I accidentally dropped all the silverware!"
"I may or may not have blown up the kitchen...again"
"Pluto set fire to the garden again!!"
"Goodness...why I can't leave you three for a second while I attend to our guests." Sebastian said
"GUESTS?!!!" The three servants shouted which again started the twins.
Sebastian sighed. "Meyrin, Bardroy, Finny, this is Lord Kiril and Lady Karina Kazugiri. They will be staying with us for the time being."
"Hello there.." Karina said
The servants were stunned by the appearances of Karina and Kiril.
"I-it's a pleasure to m-meet you my l-lord." Meyrin blushed towards Kiril.
"Pleasure is all mine." Kiril smiled
"It is getting quite late" Sebastian started. "I will accompany the lord and lady to their sleep. You three, do keep it down, the young master is sleeping."
"Right!!" They all said in unison
With that, Karina and Kiril followed Sebastian upstairs to the guest bedrooms.
"Do forgive me. The young master is already asleep. It is quite late after all. What about you two, you both must be quite exhausted from the trip hm?" Sebastian asked.
"Well we kinda aren't." Kiril said. But Karina quickly nudged her brother.
"What my brother means to say is that we are very tired and we wish to retire." Karina said.

"You idiot! They can't know that we aren't human!!"

Sebastian opened the bedroom revealing two large beds across from each other.
"I shall leave you both be. Have a good night's rest my lord and lady." Sebastian smiled and closed the door.
The twins were finally alone with a lot of stuff to unpack.
"I will start unpacking now. As for you, you need to go to bed."  Karina said picking up her luggage.
"Are you sure you don't need help?" Kiril asked.
"No need. I cannot sleep anyways. This task should be easy. You go ahead and rest." Karina replied.
With that, Kiril took off his red eye contacts revealing his light green ones and he drifted off to sleep.

It was now 2:30 am and Karina had finally finished unpacking her and Kiril's stuff. She was honestly quite bored since everyone had gone to sleep already. She decided to go into the kitchen to explore but then—
"My lady? What are you doing up this late? It's 2:30 in the morning."
Sebastian was there...fixing the mess Meyrin had broke earlier.
"I cannot sleep at all." Karina said.
"Oh? Do you need anything at all my lady?" Sebastian asked.
"No need. I am sure I'll fall asleep soon anyways. What are you doing up Sebastian?"
"Well as you can see i am fixing the plates that broke." Sebastian replied.
"Can't that wait until tomorrow?" Karina questioned. Strange...Sebastian looked like he was wide awake. And it was 2:30 in the morning. He didn't have dark circles under his eyes or anything.
"Well I am a butler, and it is my duty to fix anything and everything around here. Waiting will simply not do." Sebastian replied.
Suddenly Karina noticed a very strange aura filling up the kitchen. The smell of something...odd. The smell of...another demon? The problem is....Sebastian recognized the scent too. Demons, reapers and angels all have the power to smell another kind. Some have unique smells than others. This was the case of Karina and Sebastian.

The aura was getting stronger by the minute and Karina can't put her finger on it....
She turned around to Sebastian and said-

"You're not really human are you....Sebastian Michaelis?"
Sebastian gave a smirk. "You notice the scent too..I see you have figured it out~ my my, you are a clever lady."
Karina knew right off the bat that Sebastian was a demon all because of the matching scents one radiated.
"What is a demon such as yourself doing in this world? Playing the role of a mere butler?~" Karina asked
"I live to serve my master...until the day lies become the truth." Sebastian replied.
"I knew there was something more about you. A gentleman such as yourself couldn't have been just a butler" Karina stated.
"We will speak more about this tomorrow. I notice that you can't even sleep anyways so just stay in the room until the morning. I will pick you and Lord Kiril up tomorrow for breakfast" Sebastian said.
"Sounds like a plan." Karina said. "Well then. Goodnight Sebastian."
Karina was about to leave the kitchen.
"One more thing." Sebastian said as Karina turned her head
"You should tell your brother. He deserves to know."
"I will..." Karina said. She smiled at Sebastian and exited the kitchen.

"He's not human...he's not a demon either. Though, I can't put my finger on it. No.. I must be hallucinating. Lord Kazugiri is a he?"

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