Chapter 6: The Final Clue

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The birds were chirping....

The sun was shining....

William shuffled in his bed as he began to wake up. Turning around he hugged his pillow as he didn't want to wake up....

But something was wrong....

The pillow was moving?

William looked down at what he was actually hugging...He was hugging Karina?!
William's eyes were wide as he saw himself hugging Karina. He tried to move very carefully but then the sound of the door slamming open
"WILLIAMMMM" A familiar voice said

This woke up Karina but as soon as she saw William she jumped and yelled. William was also startled.
"William! Wake up we have word from—" Grell said trailing off as she saw William and Karina in the same bed. Grell screamed calling Ronald over.
"What is it Sutcliff-" Ronald said looking at the scene screaming.
"This isn't what it looks like!" William yelled
"I think this is exactly what it looks like!" Grell yelled back. Karina blushed slightly.
"Well then- we should head outside and wait for you. We got word from the Phantomhive manor." Ronald said as he exited the room with Grell.
Karina looked at William shocked while William tried so hard not to blush again.
"We uh- should get ready..." William said
"Agreed..." Karina said

After a while, Grell, Ronald, William and Karina were in William's office discussing about the final clue.

"It was something about a bridge. The rickety bridge in the forest." Grell said
"We have to go there?" William asked
"If it means turning me back into the demon I once was then sure let's go." Karina said

Karina and the reapers went downstairs towards the basement. It was dark, cold, and filled with dust.
"This is the fastest way to the outside, nobody should spot us here." Ronald said.
"I'll gather the papers. I forgot to file a leave for all of us heh- whoopsies." Grell said
"We'll go back and file the leave for the evening. Do not worry go on ahead." Ronald said going with Grell back upstairs.

This left William and Karina to go deeper into the dark basement.

Karina couldn't see anything. She tried to put her hands out into the darkness and walk cautiously.
She was doing so well until she took another step. She didn't feel a floor beneath her.

"Watch out!" William yelled pulling Karina towards him. Karina tripped on her own foot causing her to stumble towards William very closely. William suddenly felt a pair of lips onto his own.


"Actually feels....quite nice..."

~ At the Phantomhive Manor ~

Kiril suddenly felt a certain feeling which made his eyes widen. Ciel and Sebastian looked at him with concern.
"Is everything alright Kiril? What is the matter?" Ciel said. Sebastian and Ciel went to his side.
Kiril chuckled and looked at them both....

"He likes her...and..."
"She likes him..." Kiril said smiling slightly
Sebastian and Ciel exchanged glances.
"Who exactly are you talking about my lord?" Sebastian asked.

Kiril smiled....

My sister....and William T. Spears...

~ With the Reapers ~

"What is the meaning of this?!!" Grell yelled
"Mr. Spears?!" Ronald screamed
Ronald and Grell were already back from filing a leave report. Karina's eyes were shocked as she quickly pulled back from William who was very shocked himself. William looked at Grell and Ronald who had their eyes wide open.
"This- isn't what it looks like!" William exclaimed.
"Me and Ronald leave for a minute and we see this?!" Grell screamed
"It was an accident I swear!" Karina screamed
"Sure it was...Eh- Mr. Spears sir?." Ronald said glancing at William who was spaced out
"What? Oh yes- I am alright.." William said stuttering at his words and turning back.
"We- we should just go to the Phantomhive manor already...come on" Karina said walking faster

"Looks like someone is in love~" Grell said poking William
"What are you on about.." William asked glaring at Grell.
"Come on Mr. Spears! We both know that you have had a crush on Lady Karina ever since you met her from the start!" Ronald whined.

Karina could hear muttering and the chat amongst them.

"So what if I am..." William mumbled. "She is a demon and I am a reaper. We are destined to be sworn enemies. This could never happen..."
"Enemies or not...demons and reapers? This is fate Mr. Spears!" Ronald said

"Will." Grell said facing William...
"if you love her...then you better tell her how you feel...."

"Before something bad happens..."

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