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nova — peter parker

chapter seven: arabella's coping device

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chapter seven: arabella's coping device


Somedays, more than others, the loss of her brother would affect Arabella Maximoff greater. When this would happen, usually, she'd make a cup of hot cocoa and snuggle up on the couch and watch random shows she found on Netflix. But today, as she checked the cabinet, she realized she'd been sulking for five days straight and used up all of the hot chocolate packets. Grumbling under her breath, she grabbed her apartment keys and headed out the door.

     Tony had called her and chatted with her about getting her own place closer to the city or closer to the crime. He bought her a small apartment, perfect for her, in Queens. The agreement was that she'd train with the Avengers every other day but patrol around New York each day. 

     She'd accepted the deal, more for the fact that she needed alone time. As Sokovia was being destroyed to rubble, Arabella had barely enough time to grieve her brother, her best friend. So, when she wasn't around to patrolling the city, the girl was lying in her tear-stained bedsheets, staring blankly at the ceiling.

     The death of Pietro Maximoff had penetrated her heart just as the bullet holes that had implanted themselves through his skin.

     Now, as she walked through the streets of Queens, her sweatshirt hood resting atop her brunette locks, the girl let out a puffy sigh. Becoming aware of her surroundings, she noticed two men, most likely around 30 years old, trailing slightly behind her. She wasn't surprised, nor was she scared. This situation has happened to her before, the same ending being her kicking their asses to jail. As she saw one more man, looking older than the previous two, heading her way in front of her, she rolled her eyes and turned right into an alleyway.

     Slowly walking towards the overflowing dumpster at the end, she turned around with a deadpan on her face.

     "Look, fellas," chuckled an unhumorous Arabella, her slight accent protruding through her unwavering voice. "I just want some hot chocolate, so if you could just get the hell away, we'll be great."

     The men chuckled, slowly closing in on her. Arabella put on a fake terrified face, shakily backing away while her mind was inwardly cackling at the group.

     "Yeah," one of them said. "That ain't gonna happen, little lady."

     Just as she was about to curse them out for calling her by a stupid pet name, a quaint voice came from the opening of the alley. "Hey!" it said. The men turned around, and the young Maximoff squinted her eyes to try and see who the voice belonged to.

     "Leave her alone!" the voice, most likely a boy's, exclaimed.

     "We either do this the easy way," threatened the tallest man. "Or the hard way."

NOVA ── peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now