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Lyla's POV

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Lyla's POV

"New Directions...I would like to introduce you to our new show choir consultant...Jesse St. James." Mr. Schue says before Rachel claps

"Is anyone else internally dry heaving at the sight of him or is just me?" I ask

"I am also internally dry heaving." Quinn says before everyone except Mr. Schue, Rachel, and Jesse raise their hands

"I don't trust this guy. He's gonna trick us into doing something stupid so his alma mater wins." Finn says

"I don't need to do much tricking to get you to do something stupid, Finn." Jesse says

"Are you asking me to stomp on your face?" I ask

"Guys, Jesse is just a consultant. I still make all the calls. I have all the confidence in the world in you guys. I just think we could use all the help we can get because...this is it." Mr. Schue says as he points to the whiteboard that says 'NATIONALS'

"We've been working so hard for two years for this moment, and that moment is finally here. I was talking with Jesse and he agreed we should continue with our successful trend of doing original songs for the competition. I was thinking of doing one group number and one duet." Mr. Schue says

"Rachel and I should sing a duet. We killed it last year at regionals with 'Faithfully.'" Finn says

"Yeah. It killed us. We lost." Quinn says

"May I?" Jesse asks Mr. Schue

"Uh, yeah." Mr. Schue says

"I agree that Rachel should sing lead, but, Finn, I think it's best if you sit this one out. The fact is, most of the other guys in here are better singers...and Mike Chang, who can't even sing, can at least dance. You kind of sing and dance like a zombie who has to poop." Jesse says

"Y--y--ya see? Ya, see what I'm talking about? This guy's a jerk!" Finn shouts

"Ya know what, Mr. Schue? I need a break. Because I might just choke omelet today. That's just the kind of mood that I'm in. So to avoid my homicidal tendencies, I think it's best I take a breather." I say before storming out of the choir room

"LJ!" Santana calls after me before I hear fast footsteps behind me

"I'm so fed up with the Rachel Berry show. Her presence alone pisses me off, she doesn't even have to say anything at this point. I don't understand how I tolerated going to prom with her and Omelet in there." I say

"I deserve it just as much as she does. And so do you, and Mercedes, and Kurt, and everyone else in there that has sway in the background. It's nauseating, Tana." I say

"I know. I fully agree." She says


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