Episode 19

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Closing his eyes did nothing to mitigate the pulsating throbbing in John's head

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Closing his eyes did nothing to mitigate the pulsating throbbing in John's head. He had spent so much of the last week hauled up in his office that just sitting under the gazebo in the bright sunlight while listening to the constant chatter from his students was becoming too much too quickly. Marin was patient with him however, and had already shifted her scheduled activities around so that John could attend this group session. It was important for him to be there. Her students were due to graduate in two month's time, and these last few counseling sessions were key in insuring their success during the transition back into the real world. They would soon be faced with temptations and influences from their past and it was important for them to form a solid foundation under their feet prior to making that leap.

John had said on multiple occasions that the most important counseling session would be their last and he meant it for more than just sentimental reasons. Knowing all of that however, did little to help him focus on what the young ladies in front of him were actually talking about. He knew some had mentioned their ideal college location and a few were planning on taking the military route instead, but truthfully all he could concentrate on was the pounding taking place in the region of his brain that sat just behind his eyeballs.

He must have done a worse job at hiding his discomfort than he realized because suddenly a cool hand was placed across his forehead. John blinked his eyes open to see a very concerned Marin staring back at him.

"Are you feeling alright?" She asked hesitantly. "You're not clammy, want me to call Melissa and have her work her nursing magic on you?"

"No, no I'm fine," John replied instantly. "Why don't you all finish up without me and I'll join in on next week's session, promise?" He didn't wait for a response as he stood.

Marin agreed readily and a few of the students wished him well as John trotted off towards his office. On impulse he patted his pants pocket as he walked, looking for that familiar rattle, but unfortunately the refilled prescription bottle was left in his desk drawer. Just knowing he would soon get relief from the migraine from Hell was enough to put a smile back on his face.

"Oh good!" A voice called as John rounded the corner, mere feet from the confines of the office walls. "I was hoping I would catch you now, since I missed you during breakfast. I— I was um, thinking we could talk while some things are still fresh in my mind. I uh— I actually have some questions too, about what will happen now. I wrote them all down."

Stiles was standing there in his typical plaid over-shirt, holding up a notebook that appeared to be covered in his minuscule handwriting. The page held more than just a few questions and was that a venn diagram? That would surely take some time to go through. John sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He wanted to say no, to run to his office and take one of the pills that would undoubtedly put an end to the pounding in his head, but how could he? Stiles looked timid about his request as it was and if John refused him now, it very well might set him back even further.

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