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Your P.O.V.
Not even seconds later, the monster was roaring and growling in pain. Black blood splattering everywhere. I watched in complete shock as the monster started disappearing...

...what was even crazier...

...was when I looked back down, and noticed a boy standing right in front of me. He was smiling and had his right arm up in the air, fist clenched. It looked like he was the one who just punched the monster and it was killed in one hit....

...Which meant he was... he was...

"Huh? Why are you staring at me so hard (Y/n)? Is there someting on my face? Hahaha, who am I kidding? You can't even see me."


"Okay, this is actually making me kind of scared. What are you-"

He turned around and noticed that the monster was no where to be found. After putting two and two together...

"AAAAAHHHH! I killed it!! I didn't even notice, I can't believe I didn't feel myself when I raised my arm. That was so fast, just one hit... I didn't mean to unleash all that strength at once. Sakura tells me that it's not good to do that."


"So I guess you must be gaping at the fact that I just killed that monster right? You're just not over the fact that it died so easily, so your eyes are stuck looking like they're popping out of their sockets!" He says, opening his eye lids with his fingers, mocking me.


"Aww man! You can't even see how I'm mocking you so hard right now." He pauses for a moment and realizes that his clothes are soaked in monster blood. "EWWWW, it stinks! I need a bath, blegh!"

I start giggling at how funny he looks. He's kind of cute. Although, I guess that I do understand why the others treat him like a villain. But... he saved my life, twice in the same fight.

"Hey! Why are you laughing?? It's not like you can see the blood on me."

"Oh, Tsukasa. You have a little blood on the side of your face."

"Where? Here??"

"No, I'll just get it."


I move closer to him and wipe his cheek.


I smile and hug him as tight as I can.

"...you can... see me..." He says as I feel his arms around me.

We break the hug and he smiles. "So... that means you believe in me now. Right?"

"I don't really have I choice to believe in you. My life was in danger and I can't choose to ignore the supernatural monster trying to kill me. Which also means I can't ignore the ghost trying to fight it."

"AWESOME!!! I don't really care how you're able to see me, I'm just glad that you can! Although, I would've rathered to have you believe in ghosts because I scared you half to death. And now that you can see me, it'll be harder to prank you." He whines.


"Nothing! Ahaha..."

I shrug it off and laugh along with him. The realm fades back into white, but then suddenly the room turns green. I notice a bunch of trees and a lake form in front of us.

"Woooaaaaahhh!!! How are you controlling the realm like that (Y/n)?"

"Umm... I don't know."

"She's not. I am." A girl with green hair walks into the room. I notice that she has a very intimidating dead stare.

Tsukasa's P.O.V.
"I've been looking for you everywhere Tsukasa. I noticed that someone got into this realm so I sent a monster in to scare them off. After while, no one came out so I decided that the trespassers would just have to die. Then suddenly I felt the monster disappear. Only you would be able to kill it so I knew it was you. I changed the realm into a forest since you always ask me to change the scenery here into one."

"Cool! It looks even nicer than I expected it to!" I say cheerfully.

"The only thing I didn't know was that you would bring her here. You're Yashiro's friend correct?" She says. I notice her staring straight into (Y/n)'s eyes with a death stare. She normally looks dead like that, but there was something off about this look. She looked like she wanted to torture her to death.

Well I mean, same here!


C'mon I'm joking!

The feeling never left my body, I want to do anything to keep (Y/n) safe. I wonder why the monster made me start to feel this way.

Before (Y/n) could answer Sakura, I stepped in front of her and challenged Sakura with one of my own death stares. Y'know the one where my eyes turn completely black, I give one of my creepiest smiles, and I tilt my head for extra points? The one I normally do to scare other people? Yes, like the one I gave (Y/n) earlier today!

Maybe I really shouldn't have tried to put her through that portal...

"Why are you standing in front of her to protect her Tsukasa. She trespassed in here, did she not? She should die right here."

"She's not trespassing. I came in here and invited her with me."

Yes, I know that's not the truth! But how else can I get Sakura off of her case?


Sakura was silent for a while. She stopped staring at (Y/n) and turned to me.

"...If you say so. C'mon, it's time for you to get out of here. You're brother is looking for you right?"

"Nooo!! That's why I'm in here in the first place! If he finds me I'm toast!"


I sigh and give in. Disobeying Sakura will also cause me to turn into toast. And as of right now, I'll gladly get tortured by Amane over Sakura.

"Fine. But give me a second." Sakura pauses and then nods. "(Y/n). Will you come with us? Well... come with me?"


She pauses as if she's unsure on how to respond. So I answer for her.

"Nevermind, you should go find Amane. He'll give up if you can sway him. Tell him you couldn't find me or something. Tomorrow I'll have a surprise for you!" I smile super wide to reassure her.


I pause. She sounded so sad. I sigh and shake it off, getting attached to this human is going to come back to bite me one day. I'm getting too soft.

"Well, you should leave this realm now. I guess this is goodbye for now."

"Yeah... bye Tsukasa." She walks over to the door Sakura came through and goes through it.

Get back tears! Get back! Just go away, I can't... I can't...



TBHK Hanako x Reader x TsukasaWhere stories live. Discover now