What Was Right In Front Of You

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Eret rushes inside to go and help Sam. Phil walks inside after speaking with Ranboo and Tubbo, barely holding it together. Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy were in the other room waiting for Sam to say it was okay for them to see Y/N. Techno paced back and forth across the room, Tommy sat still and silent in a chair with Wilbur beside him. Phil walks over to the three, "Boys, what are you doing here?"

"What happened to Y/N?" Wilbur asked sitting as his knee bounced anxiously.

Phil took a deep breath preparing himself to explain what happened. "They went to the cliffs, they tried to fly. I was this close to catching them and I was still too late," he explained while he became enraged with himself for not being fast enough and mad that Y/N tried to fly again.

Tommy was confused, he spoke up, "They tried to fly? But why? Y/N knows their wings will never work again."

Techno stopped pacing, he looked at Tommy and slowly scanned the room, "Oh I don't know, maybe it's because the last three months they haven't been able to fly anymore and they sit outside watching you fly together," he took a breath before continuing, "I've never been able to fly, no wings and all so I can't relate to what Y/N is going through but watching you all fly together, smiling, laughing, it makes me feel left out so I can only imagine what Y/N must be feeling." Techno turned around, not facing any of the boys, "The thought of being basically kicked out of an activity that made them feel so free and happy, well it makes me wonder why they waited so long before going to the cliffs." Techno turned back around, once again facing the three.

Phil felt a rush of guilt flow through his body, he was the one keeping Y/N from flying, he was the one who continued as if nothing had happened, he was the one who decided that Y/N should stay on the ground rather than up in the air. Tommy remained speechless wanting to say something more but couldn't find the words.

"We- we didn't know Techno," Wilbur said, pausing between his words.

"Yeah, well think about it next time you go flying," Techno started as he became furious with the boys for not realizing what they had done to Y/N. "Look at the look in Y/N's eyes. The worst part is Y/N still has wings, they just can't use them. Can you imagine what that must feel like?"

Phil, Wilbur, and Tommy all stayed quiet as they sat in their own pool of guilt. "That's what I thought," Techno said as he took a seat on the other side of the room away from everyone else.

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