Chapter 2

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A/N : Hey! So Part 2 of my story now. Also idk if I'll be able to update anytime soon bcuz exams till Monday. :(.So guys pleeease comment and tell me what you think? thanks (; Rage and Love xx

Chp 2 : Lazy Bones

Billie sighed as he got out of the cab. The ride to the airport was short but it seemed like forever. He just wanted to get in bed with Adrienne and sleep forever. He made an irritated noise and paid th cabbie.

"Billie don't make faces now hun. You'll have fun." Adie said for the hundredth time.

"Whatever." Billie replied and got his bags out.

Suddenly, he saw Tré running towards him and closed his eyes. He knew whatas going to follow.

"BILLIEEEEE!!!" Tré jumped and hugged the shit out of him, like they had'nt met in ages. Adrienne laughed. This was so Tré Cool.

"Well hello." Billie said.

"Aw Billie aren't you excited?!" Tré asked as he took Billie's bags.

"No. And I can take my own bags." Billie said as he snatched them from Tré.

Tré rolled his eyes. "Hey Adie." He said, hugging her as well.

Adrienne smiled. "Hey Tré. Sorry about Billie. He's sleepy and cold."

"And we know Billie is an ass when he's sleepy and cold." Tré said and Billie gave him a look.

"Are we standing here for a week?" Billie said as he pulled Tré's hand.

"Look he's eager already!" Tré laughed and Billie rolled his eyes.

"Let's just go. Dude where the fuck is Mike?!" Billie asked, looking around for the bassist.

"Oh, he's inside. Talking with the pilot an stuff." Tré said as he walked in between the couple.

"Pilot?! please don't tell me private jet." Billie said. He hated private jets. It made him feel like he was some big bossy celeb.

"What dude you want everyone waking us up when we're asleep for autographs and stuff?!" Tré asked. As soon as Billie heard "asleep" followed "waking up", his sleepy brain processed that a private jet was indeed a great idea.

"Anyways, boys I need to get going. Its 7.30 and Joey and Jake must be up already." Adie said as she looked at her watch.

"Aw Adie wait for like another 30 minutes? Pleeease? We leave by that time." Billie gave her his "I'm too cute to refuse" face and Adie giggled.

"Not fair when you give me that face Billie." She said as they walked.

"I know." Billie grinned. "Dude where is this pilot guy and Mike?!" Billie asked. They had walked a long way now.

Tré scratched his chin. "They should be somewhere around, I mean this is almost where I'l left them and come to see if you were here."

Suddenly, Billie was pulled backwards and almost crushed to death in a hug that could only belong to his friend of nearly 30 years now.

"Mike...can't...breathe." Billie managed to choke out and Mike laughed.

"Good to see you guy!" He said as he let go of Billie and grinned.

"Yeah you made that pretty clear." Billie grinned back.

"Hey, Adie." Mike greeted Adrienne and she smiled back.

"So all set Mike?" Billie asked the bassist who nodded.

"Ok then I better get going. You boys have fun, kay?" Adie said as she gave the three a group hug. Billie smiled at her and kissed her.

"Sure gonna miss you a ton babe." He said, holding her close.

"Aw, Billie, I already miss you." Adie smiled at him and unwrapped his arms from her waist. She knew how long Billie's goodbyes could be.

"Now get going. And ski for me too." Adie joked as she waved to the trio walking off.

Billie smiled again and waved back.

Once they got into the plane and were settled, Billie sat down and started scribbling something on a notepad.

"Whatchya upto Beej?" Tré asked, sitting opposite to the frontman and beside the bassist.

"Um, nothing." Billie said nervously.

"Billie, I know you. Don't you fucking dare write any more songs. Jesus, we might as well release a quadrology already." Mike said, reffering to the amount of material that they already had.

"Yeah, awesome idea Mike!" Billie grinned. He didn't know why, he was on a writing spree. The songs kept coming.

"Jeez, isn't that a bit too ambitious?" Tré said.

"Meh. We're Green Day. The smallest thing we do is ambitious." Billie said and the three laughed.

"Ok. Pray tell me, why are we discussing work? Ugh, we're here to have fun!" Tré clapped like a child on Christmas morning.

"Jeez Tré chill. We will have fun." Mike reminded him.

"Ugh you two are so boring. I have to go through seven fucking hours on this flight." Tré sighed as he rested his head on the back of the seat and closed his eyes.

Billie gave a slight "hmph" and Mike rolled his eyes. He knew, Billie was working damn hard on the three albums. So were he and Tré. And all three of them deserved a good break before all the real work. And touring. Touring was the besr as well as worst part of being a rockstar. Of course, the love of all the fans, the knowlege that you had the power to change someone's life, that you can mean so much to someone was an awesome feeling. But friends and family were dearly missed on tour.

Mike was clearly lost in his thoughts, because he didn't notice Billie get up an go get his guitar until he started playing a tune.

"Sounds nice." Mike smiled at his best friend who sighed. Tré was fast asleep.

Billie started singing.

"I'm too tired to be bored I'm too bored to be tired, and the scilence is so deafening its like picking at a sore. I'm too mental too go crazy I'm too drunk to be pure, and my mind is playing tricks on me and I can't sleep tonight..."

Mike frowned. Billie had never shown him this one before. They had already finalized the songs on the trilogy, but this sounded amazing. This HAD to go.

Then, Billie looked up at Mike.

His green eyes REALLY looked tired. And the way he sung that song, it gave Mike the chills. Maybe, maybe there was much more to that song. Billie was a real private person, and even though he opened up very easily to Mike and Tré, there were somethings Mike knew Billie.couldn't talk about. Also, these days, with Jason with them, it was hardlt just the three of them together.

Mike got up and sat down beside Billie, his best friend of nearly 30 years now.

"Hey, Billie Joe, whats up?" Mike asked.

Billie just sighed and put his guitar away. He needed rest. He put his head on Mike's shoulder and closed his eyes.


idk why I'm taking a dark turn at this, but Lazy Bones always kinda struck me as what Billie went through, if you know what I mean. I love the song so much, but I can never get through it knowing Billie Joe wrote such deep songs about his problems. So, anyways this is chapter 2. Excuse any errors or typos. Please read and review if you like it or no? (;

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