Chapter 9

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A/N : Hey again. I really have a good end planned, I just need to sort out how to get to it. Bear with me, please?

Chp 9

The next morning, Billie Joe opened his eyes to see his bandmates sleeping on the chairs im front of him. Tré's head was resting on Mike's shoulder, and he was drooling. Billie smiled, it made them look too cute.

"Mike? Tré? Guys?" Billie called out, immediately waking Tré, who was a light sleeper.

"Uh, wha-oh." Tré took a moment to recollect where they were and walked up to the frontman's bed.

"How are you feeling, mate?" He asked.

"A shitload better. Head hurts like hell, but it's bearable. Damn, I hope I get outta here soon." Billie sighed.

"Yeah, well lemme wake Mikey up then we'll call the doctor to check ok you, ok?" Tré said going to wake the sleeping bassist up.

"M-hm." Billi agreed.

Mike woke with a start, and Tré had decided to poke his eye and wake him. Mike's expression made Billie Joe giggle, and his giggle made his two bandmates smile, it was a sound they barely heard now-a-days.

"Ok, so looks like you're feeling better." Mike said, smiling at his best friend.

"Well, yeah, call the doctor already and see if I can get out of here. I have a five-star suite booked." Mike smiled at Billie's answer and rubbed his eyes.

"Okay, be back in a minute." Mike got up and streched, and left the room to find the doctor.

"Hey, everything ok, Beej?" Tré asked.

"Hm-uh yeah, I'm cool now, it doesn't hurt as much." Billie said, pointing to his bandaged head.

"That's not what I meant." Tré said.

"Oh. Look, Tré I'm fucking sorry, I'm just having a very rough time. I didn't mean to dump it like that on you guys. Seriously, I'd hate to loose any one of you. M'sorry." Billie said.

"Oi, you don't have to be sorry. It's just I'm worried about you..." Tré shrugged.

"Nah, I'll be fine. Don't worry too much, I'm a tough guy. And it isn't good for you." Billie smiled at the drummer who smiled back.

"Ok boys, what do we have here?" The doctor said suddenly as he stepped in.

"Hey, doc. m'fine, feeling a lot better than I did last night. I suppose you could discharge me. I hate doing hospitals." Billie started.

"Let us see how you're doing today, Billie Joe." The doctor said as he ran some tests, took Billie's heart rate and stuff, and asked a nurse to clean and re bandage his wound.

"Well, you are looking better. I suppose, if you promise to behave and rest well, you could leave this afternoon.." The doctor said and Billie grinned.

"Fuck yeah." He said.

"Ok, now, look, eat healthy for the next few weeks. NO alcohol, understand me?And retain yourself from any kind of physical activity." The doctor said.

"I'll take care of that." Mike stepped in and gave Billie a stern look, meaning he really would take care that Billie followed all instructions.

"Okay then, Billie, you can leave after I get the results of this blood test here." The doctor said as he walked out. The nurse was still dressing his wound.

"Ok then, time to leave this sick place." Billie said as his phone buzzed.

His eyes widened as he looked at the caller ID. It was Adrienne.

"Hey baby." Billie picked up, nervous.

"Don't 'hey baby' me Billie Joe. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?" Adrienne shouted.

"M'sorry, hun. I slipped and fell." Billie couldn't blame her, he'd behave in a similar way if she ever got hurt.

"Billie, please, for fuck's sake take care. And do whatever the doctor says." Adie said, knowing hoe stubborn her husband was.

"Jeez, I have been fucking doing that. Infact, I'm leaving the hospital now." Billie sounded cheerful.

"Oh, okay. And babe, please don't do anymore sking. promise me."

"Nah, I won't. I promise." Billie said.

"So, see you soon. Take care, I love you." Billie said his goodbyes and hung up.

"Jesus damn she's one hell of a woman." Billie said as Mike and Tré burst out laughing at the look of amusement and fear on his face.

"We heard her shout, y'know." Tré giggled as the nurse finnshed up dressing his wound.

"Wait till I'm better so I can kick your ass, Frank." Billie smirked.

"WHAT.DID.YOU.CALL.ME?" Tré said, face a expression of mocked shock.

"Frank Edwin Wight The Third." Billie grinned.

"Oh, I can't wait till you're better." Tré grinned back. Looked like the normal Billie was back, atleast for now.


Ok, tell me how it was. This was a filler, and like I said, I'm coming up with more. So um, comment and vote? Thanks! xox

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