Chapter 8

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A/N : so hey again. I'm sorry if this sucks, I'm not quite in the right mind now that my second favourite band does not exist anymore. So to any My Chemical Romance fans out there, stay strong and keep running.

Disclaimer : I dont own Green Day. I make no profit.

Chapter 8

Mike sighed as he watched his best friend sleep. The guy has been through so much, right from his teenage years. And Mike's heart hurt knowing that Billie was in pain.

Just then, he heard a soft rattle on the door.

Tré. Fuck, Mike had completely forgotten to call the drummer back in.

"Hey, doors open, it's cool to come in." He called out, not having the strength to pull himself up from the chair beside the bed.

Tré entered, a very serious look on his face.

"What happned?" Mike asked, Tré was barely serious.

"Adie called to check on us." The words sent chills through Mike's body. He know how worried she got, especially when it went to Billie Joe.


"Told her he was hit in the head, and that he's ok now. She asked is it cool to drop by tomorrow to check on things? Man, she sounded shit worried." Tré said, letting out a stressed breath.

"Well, tell her there's no problem, we'll handle it. And he's fine, Tré honestly." Mike sounded as if he was convincing himself.

"Yeah ok, but I don't think she'll be happy with that." Tré said, taking out his phone.

As Tré talked to Adrienne, Mike let his eyes shut. He was shit scared. He knew this hospital thing was nothing, and Billie would be out if here soon. He was scared for the deeper reasons. He seriously hoped Billie kept all his promises and stayed away from stupid things. He did not want to loose one of his two his best friends.

"Hey, man, y'kay?" Tré said as he put back his phone.

"Yeah, was thinking. What did Adrienne say?" Mike asked.

"She said once he wakes up, call her and let her talk to him. Then she'll decide if she has to come here or no." Tré said.

"Fair enough."

As Mike shut his eyes, Tré looked between two of his most favourite people in the world. Billie Joe and Mike were his everything, not just bandmates. Both of them seemed real stressed right now, of course, Tré was in a similar condition.

Tré thanked God for that day when he met the two men at Gilman. He never knew they'd make him their drummer and that the trio would come this far, and this successful.

Sure, we was the clown amongst the three, but he was the one who worried out of his mind. He knew something was up with Billie Joe. And it didn't matter that he did not know. The only thing that mattered was that Tré couldn't do anything about it. And that fact killed him.

He just hope whatever it was, it would be okay soon. Because this was clearly affecting both Mike and him, and their mental health. And, God forbid, if anything happend, they would have to delay recording and dissapoint millions of fans and a very well known record label. And that didn't matter, but knowing Billie Joe, he would take the blame on himself and feel guilty as fuck. And neither Mike nor Tré wanted Billie to suffer further.

Tré's mind began to wander and he though about how much the two men meant to him. They were his brothers, probably something more. He would kill himself than not make music with the two of them. That feeling was back again.

Green Day was for life.


Excuse the usual crappiness. And the cheesy ending, I just am wraping my head around the MCR break up, and people on Twitter are going "What if Green Day broke up." NO. HORRIFYING THOUGHT. Just...I'm not in a stable mood.Excuse me. comment and vote, please? xo~

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