Chapter 7

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A/N: Hey again. I hope you guys are enjoying my story. I wrote another fanfic on here, called "The patron saint of denial" please check that out too. xx

Disclaimer : I do not own Green Day. Just the storyline is mine, and none of this ever happend. I make no profit.

Chapter 7

Billie Joe was tired. Tired of faking. Tired of smiling. Tired of every fucking thing.

"Beej, y'kay?" Mike spoke up. They were alone, as Tré had gone to get some coffee.

"Yeah, why would you ask that?" Billie replied.

"Because I know you. You're never that silent. And you sure as fuck don't let the nurses treat you that easily. You HATE hospitals." Mike said.

"Well, yeah but I'm allowed to have a little rest right? The fuck is your problem?" Billie sounded irriated.

"Look, I need to know what shit is going on in that head of yours. I love you man, and I can-fucking-not see you in such misery." Mike said, his voice full of concern.

"Oh, just fuck off, will you? My head hurts. It was YOU who insisted that we come on this stupid trip anyway." Billie said, and shut his eyes, making it clear the conversation was over.

But Mike was not hutt because of what Billie said. He knew this was not Billie. He just wasn't Billie these days, not the cheerful, funny, talented and loving frontman he used to be.

Just then, Tré returned with two cups of coffee.

"Here man." He said handing Mike a cup. Mike took it and sat down. He needed to think. And manupulate Billie so he could open up.

"Tré, dude, not meaning to be rude, but do you mind leaving us alone? I need to him." Mike whispered to Tré.

"Actually, I was just about to tell you that. Just, see that he's really ok." Tré's voice was serious, which was a first.

"Yeah, thanks dude, you're the best." Mike replied.

"Ah, you know it baby." Tré gave Mike a kiss on the cheek and walked out.

Mike allowed himseld a relaxed smile and gathered his thoughts together, thinking of what to say to the man, or rather, HOW to say it.

Then, it struck him.

Mike walked to the door and shut it, locking it just in case a nurse decided to interfere. He drawed the curtains too, making the room a little less brighter. That seemed to get a reaction out of Billie.

"The fuck are you doing, Pritchard?" He sounded confused, but relaxed immediately when he felt Mike sit down on the bed, beside Billie.

"Look, Billie Joe Armstrong, you know I will deny I ever said this, but I love you. More than anyone else. And I need to know what's wrong, honey, I want to help you. I can't see you suffer this way, I just can't. You're my best friend, my brother, my bandmate and most importantly-" Mike hesitated but gathered to courage to say it -"You inspire me. Billie seeing you happy, makes me happy. And I cannot see you like this. It's killing me, Beej." Mike said, face inches appart from Billie's and tears in his eyes.

Billie opened his mouth, trying to say something, but the words didn't come out.

He finally pulled Mike down and kissed him-a proper kiss on the lips, and told him everything that he had ever felt for Mike. Clearly, it was more than friendship.

When they pulled appart, Mike looked into Billie's tired green eyes.

It was then that Billie broke the silence.

"I'm so sorry Mike, I just cannot take this anymore. All this drinking, everything. I'm tired. I can't fucking sleep at night. I don't even have a valid reason, but I can't take THIS-" Billie pulled up his sleves to show Mike what was under them, and Mike gasped. On his wrists were angry red scars. -"anymore. I don't-" Mike cut him off by kissing him again.

"Billie Joe, listen to me. DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN. For Adie, Beej. For Joey and Jakob. For Tré and me. And most importantly, our fans. Beej, you, of all people know what it's like to love a band. What will our fans think if they come to know? Billie Joe, don't you for one second think you're not loved, we all love you. You have a family. Friends. Fans. Everyone who loves you." Mike said.

Billie sighed. "It's not that, Mike. I cannot anymore, I miss dad so fucking much, and with so much of work and shit going on, I'm being a terrible husband and father.I feel like I don't care enough, I just feel as if I don't love enough."

Mike looked at Billie, and at that moment, everything was centered around the man. He was sick, and he needed help. And Mike was just the person to pick him up.

"Billie, listen to me. You're a kick ass husband. An amazing father. Sexy and loving frontman. You have never let us down Beej, and won't ever. We trust you to lead us. All of us have got your back. Most importantly, Billie whatever you do, Tré and me are always with you. Even if you decide to drop Reprise and go with small record labels, want to switch genres, what ever, we trust you Beej. And, I'm not sure about Tré, but I love you. More than I will ever love Brit or any other woman. You will always have a special space in my heart." Mike looked at Billie who was smiling at him-a real, genuine smile, and it truly made Mike's heart happy. Billie was, going to try and get through this, for everyone else, and if not, for himself. Mike knew he could do it.

Billie Joe pulled Mike down for one last kiss and put his head on the pillow, wanting some sleep. Mike smiled as he got up and pulled open the curtains, the ambience returning to it's normal brightness.

"Mike?" Billie called as Mike was unlocking the door.

"Yeah?" Mike said softly.

"I love you, too." Billie said with a smile and went into a deep sleep.


Ok, you don't know how bad I ship Billie/Mike and this was just...idk I think it was beautiful. :') Sorry for not having more of Tré here, erm, guilty because Billie/Mike had me there. Excuse any errors, and please comment and vote.

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