Chapter 5

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A/N : Hello again. I really suck at multi chaptered fics ew. Maybe I should do one shots or some shit. Ugh..Anyways bear with my delays and don't hate me. kthxbai.

Chp 5

The next morning, Billie Joe woke up to the sound of Tré Cool and Mike Dirnt arguing.

"Ugh, what?" Billie frowned, patting the bed next to him to find it empty. Strange. Where could Adrienne be?

The sound of Tré cursing loudly reminded him of where he was and what lay ahead of him today.

"Fuck it!" Billie Joe flipped and went back to sleep.

Suddenly, the door of his room burst open and an excited Tré entered.

"Biii-lliie!" He sang.

"Fuck off dude." Billie waved his hand and pulled the blanket over his head.

"Get up! we are going!" Tré pulled down the sheets.

"Dude, what the fuck? It's what, 7.30 in the fucking morning?" Billie asked and looked at Mike who was standing sheepishly in a corner.

"Mike, you coulda knocked some sense into this guy. It's fucking cold and my bed is warm. I want to sleep!" Billie said.

"What do you think I was doing all this time? He kept arguing about waking you up. And hey, you're lucky. This bastard woke me up at 6.00." Mike said.

Billoe sighed. Oh wow, they were discussing about letting him sleep by shouting and howling. Some friends he had.

"Whatever. Gimme 15." Billie said, pulling himself out of bed.

"Yay!" Tré jumped and kissed Billie's cheek, dancing out of the room like a ten-year-old.

"Dude's crazy." Mike said and Billie smiled.

"Yeah, but I'd get bored without him." Billie replied.

"True that. So see ya in 15." Mike left the room.

In half an hour, Green Day was ready to rock. They all had their ski boards, sticks and jackets.

"Lets go, yeah?" Tré said locking the door of their suite.

"Well you're not taking no for an answer anyways." Billie stated and Mike giggled.

"No, so not accepting that Beej." Tré replied and Billie rolled his eyes.

In half an hour, the three members of Green Day were loaded in an SUV and taken to the best ski spot in town.

Billie stood at the hilltop, looking down. His head spinned. It was tpo high.

"It'll be ok, Beej." Mike said, squeezing his hands and giving him a smile.

"If I die, Mike I swear to God you will have to do the vocals and the Bass part." Billie said.

"Naw, won't let our frontman die. Take a breath Beej." Tré said from his left and winked at Billie.

"Could we just go back to California and surf?" Billie asked as Tré let go, going downward with incredible grace.

Mike smiled reassuringly. "Chill, dude, it'll be ok. I'll go first, so you can watch me." Mike said and went as gracefully as Tré did.

Billie sighed. Now or never, he thought.

"Here goes nothing.." He murmured and started to slide, fumbling and loosing grip at times.

Billie panicked as he did not see any of his bandmates around.

When he finally caught up with the other two, he exhaled. Billie had thought he was lost or something.

Then, he did a silly, stupid, but dangerous thing.

Lost in the excitement and relief of seeing his two best friends, Billie lifted one ski stick to call out and wave at them. That's when he lost control.

He screamed as he fell flat on the face and tumbled downhill, his ski's crushing his head. Billie swore this was it. He was going to die.

"What the f-" Mike's eyes widened as he heard Billie's scream and moments later, saw the small figure covered in snow and his ski board on his head tumble down.

"Fuck!" Tré shouted as he increased speed to get hold of Billie.

Mike was close behind, and his eyes widened as he saw a tree right ahead.

Billie was screaming and running straight into it.

"Tré watch out for the tree!" He warned the drummer and Tré understood. When he finally reached close enough, he pulled Billie aside, falling on top of him.

Mik came to a hault, as his brain processed what had just happend.

"Billie! Bills, y'ok?" Tré said helping the man untangle and dust the snow off his body. Billie's eyes were closed and he was breathing slowly. Tré slid out from under him and tried shaking Billie so that he would wake up.

"Is he...breathing?" Mike asked as he came over and knealt down before the frontman.

"Yeah, fuck, that was real close. Let's take him to the ER Here, help me." Tré said as he threw his ski stuff and Mike did the same. Together, they lifted up the unconcious singer and walked toward the car.


How was it? Idk where I'm going with this but ideas keep coming lol. Read and review! xx

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