Chapter 1

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" My heart is nuclear, love is all that I fear . Ready to be let down, now I'm heading for a meltdown "

I woke up, still on the single train, and noticed that it was apparently night time. The bright moon was my only source of light.

I looked over and saw the wanderer man, Liam, looking outside viewing the moon.

I took out my cell phone to see what time it was. '11:47' is what it illuminated. Liam must've seen the glare through the corner of his eye because he turned towards my direction.

"You look awfully young. Don't you have school or something? It's late out." Liam stated

"I'm a high school graduate"

"How old are you?"

"I'm 19"

"Where are you going?"

"Anywhere. As long as its not home"

He layed back on the hay that was aleady in the train and tried to get comfortable.

"Why are you running away?" Liam asked.

"I have my reasons"


I then sighed "Because... I don't feel real special where I live"

"I highly doubt that" he said with a smirk "I mean look at the stuff you have. A nice denim jacket, nice Converse, iPhone, you're probably spoiled and running away because they told you 'no'"

I became irritated as Liam claimed he knew the reason for my escapade.

"You don't even know me or my life so you have no right to judge me without even knowing my story!" I sneered.

I can see Liam was feeling bad. "Look. I'm sorry. Let's forget about this, okay?"

I shook my head in a yes response and layed on some hay that was on my side of the train and drifted back to sleep.


I felt the sun on my face. I quickly woke up from my hay pallet and felt that the train stopped. Liam was looking at me as if he was waiting for me to wake up.

"Do you have a certain destination at this location?" he asked.

I shook my head no.

"Well atleast come with me"

Liam hopped off of the single train and I followed behind him.

We walked through a wheat field and ended up at this gas station that was in the middle of nowhere.

We walked up to a truck that was parked at the gas station and a head of dyed-blonde hair in a sun hat popped out of the window.

"Liam!" an Irish accent said.

"Hey Niall"

"And who is this lad?" The man said while looking at me.

"He is my friend for the moment" Liam said while climbing into the back of the truck.

He then looked at me "Come on up" then he reached his hand out for me.

I pulled on his hand so I could climb inside the back of the truck.

"Where're we going today, Liam?" Niall asked.

"The Farm please"

While we were riding, Liam decided to break the silence after 30 minutes of the ride.

"Do you know where you wanna run off to?"

"Yes" I said "I wanna go to America"

"America?, that's a ways away. Why do you wanna go there?"

"For one, It's far away from home, and two, I wanna be a big international singer"

Liam looked at me with an impressed look on his face, "Really?"

"Yes. I wanna be like Usher, Justin Timberlake and Chris Brown. Travel on tour and meet happy faces and places"

The truck stopped and a farm was in my view.

"Come on" said Liam as he took my hand, helped me off of the truck and to the farm.

As we reached the door, a dark haired lady and a fiery redheaded man opened the door.

"Hey Liam!" the lady said as she pulled him into a hug.

"Hey Jessie"

"Who is this cutie?" the lady said while smiling to me.

"This is my buddy Zayn"

"Hello" she said "I'm Jessie Ware, but you can call me Jessie and this is my cousin Ed Sheeran"

Then it hit me.

Ware and Sheeran...

"Hey you two are the ones that own the Ware-Sheeran Frozen Yogurt shops, am I correct?"

The both looked at me with a smile and said in unison, "Guilty".

Wow. And they chose to live out here.

"You guys have a great business all over the UK, Why do you choose to live out here?" I asked.

Ed spoke up, "Ehhh, we are not into that fancy living stuff"

"Oh Liam" Jessie chimed and we all turned to her "Here is what we were talking about"

We all walked off of the porch, went deeper into the farm and then into a empty field of space.

"We want to set up a fence here. We are gonna breed more cows since our yogurt is becoming more of a huge demand"

"Of course" Liam said "I'll help Ed with the fences"

They both left to go get the supplies leaving me and Liam by ourselves.

"so what do you do, Liam?"

He looked at me with a grin. "What do you think? I'm a wanderer"

He was highly attractive, no doubt, but very mysterious, with his tanned complexion that looked as if he stay outside constantly in the sun, scruff that was all over his chin and face, Lastly, his pure coffee brown eyes.

He then almost tripped off of his boot laces when he was trying to walk towards me.

"Whoa!" I said while laughing "Watch out Grandpa!"

"Hey! I'm not that old!"

"How old are you?"

"I'm 28"

28, not that old but old enough.

"Where's your family?"

He shot his head to me quick but gave me a soft smile.

"Curious aren't we?"


The official first full-length chapter.

i love Ziam so much.

Dedicated to: dxsaster. Thanks for the advice again and I hope my ziam story would be atleast half as good as your perfection.

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