Chapter 3

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American dreams came true somehow, I swore I'd chase 'em till I was dead, I heard the streets were paved with gold,  That's what my father said  "

[A/N: The events that'll be mentioned in Zayn's flashbacks will be events that happened to me or were inspired by my own childhood and elementary/middle school days. The characters that will play Zayn's best friends, which will carry on the tradition of me using UK musicians as minor characters, will have the personalities of my best friends during that time frame.]

Twigs was walking us to her friends' bakery and ensured that they could help me to on how get to America. I had her dog, Toto, in my arms. Her puppy is such a cutie, my folks would never let me get a dog. I looked over to Liam and he was looking down as he walked with us. I wonder why he does what he does. Does he have a family? Or is he just like me -- running away from his family. Come to think about it, he never wants to mention his family. If his folks are like mine, then I don't blame him.

After, what felt like hundreds of hours, of walking, Twigs finally showed us to our destination.

"Here we are guys!" Twigs said.

I looked and saw a cute bakery that had a display window of many tasty treats.

"Sweetinson's? I've heard of this place" Liam said.

"Yes! They have the best cupcakes known to man!"

"Arf! Arf!" even Toto had to agree...which is weird.

We walked in the bakery and saw a short feathery-brunette man at the register. I assumed that it's the husband.

"Oi! Hey Twigs!"

"Hey Louis!"

"What brings you here today?" Louis asked.

"I have friends here that wants to know how to get to America!"

"Well..." I spoke up "I only want to know how to get there"

Louis looked at me.

"Aren't you awfully young?"

"I'm 19"

"Who is that Lou Bear?" a deep masculine voice called out.

Wait....Twigs' friends are a married gay couple?

"It's Twigs, Harry, and she brought some friends. This kid wants to run away to America"

Harry finally revealed himself.

He was a very, very handsome tall curly haired brunette with dimples to die for.

"Really?" Harry asked. "Do you mind telling me why you want to run away?"

Liam looked right in my face. Mainly because he wanted an answer himself.

I swallowed my pride and gave only a piece on why I wanted to leave.

"Its that I don't feel like I belong here....and I'm too much of a nice person. People tend to use that as a power against me..I can't take it anymore.." I said while looking at the floor.

It's true. I did feel like I didn't belong here. I've always felt that way ever since I was little. That really wasn't a huge part of why I wanted to leave but I still hurt about it.


Age 6.

It was Christmas morning and I didn't have a huge selection under my tree but Santa did give me what I wanted. I had a GameBoy COLOR with the games, Pokémon Yellow and Super Mario Bros. already with it. I was super excited. I was grateful that Santa gave me my main gift I wanted. My mom gave me my own CD player along with the latest CDs by Britney Spears, Brandy and TLC.

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