Chapter 2

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You're the one designed for me, A distant stranger that I will complete, I know you're out there we're meant to be, So keep your head up and make it to me "

After Liam helped Jessie and Ed set up their fences for their farm expansion, they gave me and Liam a jumbo cup of their famous frozen yogurt. I was excited to be honest. They let me choose any flavor. So I decided with Sea salt caramel mixed with Yellow cake I would get back at home. Liam got plain ol' Chocolate. What a blockhead.

Now we are in the back of Mr. Niall's pick up truck in the middle of the night. I have no idea where to go but I'm not really worried. I was still stuffing my face with my yogurt while Liam was just looking up at the stars.

"How was your yogurt?" I asked to spark a conversation.

" was okay. I'm not really a fan of sweets"

Of course he would be like that.

"Where do you live most of the time?"

"Anywhere I can find. Niall takes me different places. I do stuff like help people to put a little cash in my pocket. Most of the time, I just wander around"

"Oh...." I said lowly.

"Yeah. I don't mind it though."

As we talked, I felt the temperature drop lower as deeper the night arrived. I then shivered.

"Come here" Liam said.

"No! You're still a stranger! What if you try to get my booty!"

Liam rubbed his forehead "Zayn, I am nothing like that! Did I do anything to you yet?"

I shook my head no.

"Alright then. Come here"

I crawled to Liam side of the truck and sat beside him.

He then took half of his leather jacket while still attached to his body and pulled me inside it. I was warm now.

"Th-thank you"

"Don't mention it" he said with a smile.

Lordy. He is even hotter up close.

He was still gazing up at the stars. I wonder what is going through his mind. He was still such a mystery. He really hasn't open up to me. I doubt that he ever will.


I woke up and this time, saw that I fell asleep on Liam's chest. He too fell asleep and was still asleep. I didn't mind falling asleep on his broad, strong chest. Falling asleep on him was very comfortable. And hot.. Oops.

Finally. Liam had woken up.

I quickly shot up. "S-s-sorry for sleeping on--"

"Zayn, I don't care" he said with a light chuckle. "I knew you were cold and sleepy."

Well that was a relief.

"Niall!" Liam called out.

"Yes Liam!"

"Where are we?"

"Oi! Back at the gas station from yesterday" shouted Niall from the inside of the drivers' side of his truck.

Me and Liam jumped from the back of Mr. Niall's truck and told him thank you for giving us a lift.

He said he didn't mind and that he was see us later on.

"So where are you gonna go now Zayn?"

"To be honest....I don't know. I just need to get to America"

"Well atleast let me come with you....Y-you know, Cuz you are awfully young to be traveling by yourself. It's dangerous out here" Liam stated .

"Liam, don't you stuff have stuff of your own to tend to?"

"I'm a wanderer, Zayn. I don't have anything important to do"

"Well call me Whitney Houston 'cuz now I got me a Bodyguard!" I said while laughing hysterically.

Liam just looked at me like he was lost.

"It was joke. You never saw that movie?..Never mind"

Note to self, Jokes aren't your strongest skills.

He took my hand into his and I instantly felt sparks.

Me and Liam started walking. We were already deep in wherever we were. I just know that are kinda faraway from that gas station.

After 45 minutes of traveling on foot, we reached a grassy plain filled with flowers and decided that we was gonna take a break there and relax. Then, we saw somebody looking for something and by the way they were looking, It must have been important. 

"Toto! Toto!" they cried. It was a beautiful tanned light-skin girl with long black braids in her hair and her septum pierced. She looked like she could be my age or older.

"Hi!" Liam greeted. "I'm Liam and this is my buddy Zayn. What are you looking for?"

"Hi. My name is Tahliah, but I go by Twigs. I can't find my dog Toto. She is not far because she is too scared to get lost."

"Do you mind if we help?" I asked.

We searched all around the plain and finally Liam found Toto inside of a mulberry bush eating all that she could.

"Toto!" Twigs cried as she picked her up in her arms. "Don't do that to me! I thought you had died or something" she then turned to us.

"Thank you guys so much! Where are you guys heading?"

"You're welcome and I don't know to be very honest" Liam said.

"Well he is traveling with me and I'm finding a way to get to America" I finally admitted.

"America?" She asked. "Well I might can help you. My best friend and their husband always travel to America and go to LA. Maybe they can help you. Their bakery is not that far from here. Mind if I take you there?"

"No. Not at all!" I said.

"Come on! I'll lead the way." Twigs said.

Maybe I can finally get to dream. Make it big in the USA.


Hi guys, I finally updated. Thanks to all who have added this to their reading lists.

I've been gloom cuz of this 1D drama lately with Zayn and now Louis. So i decided to make a brighter mood by updating.

What are ya'll thoughts on all this????

I hope Zayn doesn't' quit 1D for good.

I read that he had a falling out with Harry and I read today that he had a falling out with Liam :(:( (hopefully all fake)

Boy bands are my heart. I grew up on Nsync and Backstreet Boys when I was little and it broke my heart when they broke up. (yes. im old. I'm 21 lol). One Direction gave me life and now i just pray that they  keep it together.

On a lighter note.

Who do ya'll think is the married couple that Twigs mentioned?

(Hint: Just like other people mentioned in his story, they are also UK musicians).

Dedication: textingmalik. because "gravity" has become my new obsession lol.

Vote. Comment. Please.

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