Chapter 7

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" And I'd give up forever to touch you, 'Cause I know that you feel me somehow. You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be, And I don't want to go home right now "

"Liam! can we go to a motel tonight? Sleeping in this car is making my neck hurt" I asked as I rubbed the back of my neck. Laying in this car was really taking a toll on my body. I did miss my king-sized bed with all of my comfy pillows and very comfy covers but I'm walking to a new path with bigger and better things.

"Yes Zayn. We'll stop at the nearest one" said Liam. He still had his Pikachu mask on but instead of it being over his face, he had it resting on his head.

It's crazy how this man that I still barely know, actually wants to look out after me while my journey to America.

It's quite charming actually.

It would be funny if me and him end up falling in love with each other, which I doubt would ever happen.

He's probably straight.

He really is hot thought.

"My son has ran away. if you guys see him, please contact us, he's about 5 foot 7, brown eyes, dark black hair and tanned skin...." static followed behind the news report that was playing on the radio.

If I wasn't mistaken, It kinda sounded like my mom. But I wasn't sure since the radio reception was pretty weak.

Oh well.

I reached over to change the dial to that Adult Contemporary Liam liked. But with my luck, I couldn't find it. Every station had weak reception except for the ones that played nothing but classical music and talk shows.

I clicked the radio off and looked out of my window.

The moon was really bright out.

It was beautiful.

"Admiring the moon?" Liam asked.

"Yes, It's very beautiful. I have never seen anything so beautiful ever!" I told him.

"I have.." I heard Liam say in a low voice.

I wonder what that meant.

We've finally found a motel located in this small city we have arrived in.

"I guess this our stop" Liam said.

Liam parked the car in the parking lot that was on the other side of the motel and we both walked out of the car.

As soon as we walked the sidewalk, we heard some Latin music playing across the street.

Me and Liam looked over and seen that there was a Latin club across the street.

"Care to dance?" Liam asked me while having his hand.

"Uhhh sure?"

He took my hand in his and took his arm and wrapped it around my back.

"Copy my movements while we dance, okay?" said Liam with a cute smirk on his face.

I nodded my head yes.

We danced together spinning as if we in a ballroom.

He then started so shuffle his feet.

"Are we doing the tango?" I asked.

"Yes" he said with a big smile.

I followed his steps and we ended turning the sidewalk into our own little dance floor.

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