Chapter 4

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" Some people work things out and some just don't know how to change. Let's don't wait till the water runs dry. We might watch our whole lives pass us by "

"Even though it's gonna be a far walk, you're still gonna go?" Liam asked me.

I swear he acted like he was my daddy sometimes.

"Yes, Liam. Are you coming or not?"

He nodded his head and walked along with me.

We had already told our goodbye to Louis, Harry and Twigs. I also thanked them for giving me the information that I need.

Harry and Louis were a cute married couple.

I just pray that one day that I have a relationship like theirs.

I looked over to Liam as we were walking.

He still was a fucking mystery to me.

I wondered did he ever have a wife.

I mean, he is 28.

He look like he could be husband material.

He was a sexy ass man.

"Thank you Zayn" Liam said to me.

Shit. I said that outloud.

"Yeah you did. And you're doing it again"

"Whatever" I spat back.

We continued walking for at least 15 more minutes and he managed to say "You're quite sexy yourself"

I fucking died.

I hope I'm not blushing.

"Well th-thank you"

"No problem. That blush makes you look so innocent" he said with a cheeky smile.


We reached a convenience store, which is odd because we are in the middle of nowhere in a green forest. But I'm not gonna ask any questions. Even though I felt like I was in the very first season of the Pokémon show where random hospitals and houses popped outta nowhere while you were walking through the woods with Ash, Brock and Misty.

"I'm thirsty Lehyum" I said giving him a pouty face.

"Lord, you're such a child come on" he said while grabbing my arm and chuckling.

He touched me and I got flustered.

Calm down.

He is a grown man.

But I am of age.

Lord. Let me stop before I end up speaking out loud.

"Speaking out loud for what?" Liam asked while giving a questioning look.

"Never mind"

We walked in the convenience store and I went straight to the drinks section.

I picked up a fruit punch Arizona and some Flaming Hot Cheetos.

Liam picked up a bottle of water and some plain Lays crisps.

He's such a typical old person.

We both put our stuff on the register.

As soon as I started to pull out my wallet, Liam stopped.

"Don't worry babe. I got it" he said with a smile.


Liam pulled out some money and paid for both of our stuff. Which didn't cost much.

Had to be rounded to at least £4.

He handed me the bag.

"Thank you Liam"

"No problem"

We sat outside the store to eat our snacks.

"I still cannot believe you want to walk all across the UK just to get to America. Why do you wanna runaway that bad?"

He just doesn't know.

"Zayn, can you do this for me?. your sister?...Stay home?..Go grab this for me?..."

"Hey can I...? Sorry Zayn I don't feel like it.. Sorry, Its just gonna have to wait.. You can't, I need you here by a certain so you can do this for me.."


I'm so selfless that it kills me.

I never say no.

The only option was to runaway. It's tiring doing everybody's responsibilities and then people curse you out badly all because you wanted some time to take care of yourself for a change.

I need me too.

I'm worn.

I'm used up.

"Liam, you just don't know"

"Well I'd like to"

"Why are always wandering around, Liam?"

"I thought I asked about you first?"

We just sat there in silence.

I guess we both got our own personal demons to battle.


Updated! Hi ya'll!

Did you all see Zayn paying homage to Queen Britney by buzzcutting his hair off? Lmaooooo.

He's so hot he can rock a mullet and bring it back in style while being a hot ass sex god.

Question. What are ya'lls birth year?

I'm a 90s baby. 1993 (ughhhhhh I'm so fucking old but Me, Niall, Zayn and Liam are all born in the same year ayyye. lol)

Don't be a silent reader. talk to me!

Also check out my Narry story. I have the prologue up. It's called "Primadonna Boy"

Dedication to: Fakezain because i'm still waiting for Zayn to give Liam that blowjob. lol.

Vote. Comment. Please.

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