Kio cyr

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DISCLAIMER in this story kio and her are in high school. He is 18 and she's 17.

"Kio what are you doing here?" She asked the older boy.
"Thought you'd want some company." Kio shrugged sitting beside her.
She wiped her tears away quickly. She had just gotten in to a fight with her mom. It was about her grades.
"Stay at my house tonight alright?" Kio said
"She doesn't want me anymore." She whispered
"What what do you mean she doesn't want you" kio looked mad.
"She said she doesn't know what's wrong with me but I need to fix it. She said I never wanted you but your father did but your fathers gone now. She wants to send me away kio." She cried
"No no no she can't. She- I can't do this without you y/n. She can't just send you away." Kio said
"She can."

Her mom always was on her ass about every little thing. School, her room, her clothes, boys, kio, not being home, drinking and stuff.
Her dad died a year ago.
"I'm so sorry" kio hugged her
"Kio if I do leave you better not replace me." She laughed through tears.
"Oh y/n you could never be replaced." He let his forehead rest against hers.
"Let's go it's about to ran." Kio said
"Ya know what what if we ran away together." Kio said offering his hand down to her.
"Do you want too?" She said grabbing his hand.
"Yea let's do it. We can leave a letter for everyone and we could just leave." Kio said
"Are you sure kio? Your parents will kill you." She said
"I'm sure" kio said "are you"
"Mhm" she took his hand.
Rain started pouring down. He quickly leaned down to her face and smacked his lips on hers. "There's the delena kiss you wanted." He smiled
She smiled at him.
They ran to his car. "Kio UNLOCK THE DOORS!" She yelled laughing
"Sorry!" He yelled
They got in the car.

Moral of the story they ran away together. 🤍
Oh and her mom regretted everything she said.
'Guess I better wash my mouth out with soap'

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