Babysitting with Vinnie hacker

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"Vinnie I have to watch my nephews today I can't sorry." She said putting the laundry in the washer.
"Can I watch them with you?" Vinnie asked cheerfully
"Yea I'm watching them here. They are three and four." She said
"Yay" Vinnie hugged her from behind.
"They'll be dropping them off soon." She hummed

They dropped off her nephew Kai and Zander. "Hi there buddy" Vinnie said to Kai.
"Hi Z" she smiled picking Zander up.
Vinnie picked up kai on his hip. "They are so handsome." Vinnie said
"I know" she smiled
"You guys hungry?" She asked the boys including Vinnie.
"Yes" kai clapped his hands together.
The four walked to the kitchen. Vinnie and y/n sat the boys on the counter.
"Don't kiss!" Zander said
"What" y/n laughed
"Well when mommy and daddy get close they kiss." Zander scrunched his nose up in disgust.
"People kiss when they love each other very much." She laughed
"Yucky girls have cooties!" Zander whined
She laughed as she fixed the Mac and cheese.
"Vin" She said
"Yes my love?" Vinnie looked at her.
"You alright?" She asked
"Yes" he smiled kissing her cheek.
Kai slapped Vinnie's arm.
"Kai that's not nice." She said
Kai frowned and stared at Vinnie.

They ate the food and then sat on the couch to watch tv.
Kai was laying on Vinnie's lap trying to sleep.
"Hey baby can you take him?" Vinnie whispered
"Mhm" She sat Zander in the floor and picked up Kai.
"Help me make them a pallet in here." She said laying Kai on the floor.
Vinnie stepped over the boys and grabbed blankets and pillows from their room.
They made a pallet and laid the kids down.
"Yeah?" She turned around to look at Vinnie. "I love you" He said
"I love you too" she smiled
"Would you ever have kids with me?" He asked
"I don't know what I want yet vin. Maybe in the future yeah." She said
"Okay" He smiled

The boys were still asleep.
It was around five thirty. "Hey y/n we are in our way to pick up the boys right now." Her brother said
"Okay see you soon love you bye and drive safe." She said before hanging up.

Vinnie opened the door to reveal y/n's brother Jake and his girlfriend.
"Hi" Jake said
"Hey guys" y/n said
"You've met Vinnie before." She said
Well this is kinda awkward.
"Hi" Vinnie mumbled
Her and Jake's wife Laura laughed.
"Thanks for watching them y/n and Vinnie." Jake said
"Anytime" she smiled

They took Kai and Zander and said their goodbyes.

"I'm exhausted" She sighed
"Me too baby" Vinnie laid on the bed.
"I love you" she whispered as he braided her hair.

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