Lip gallagher

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"Hey is lip here?" She asked
"Find him yourself." Carl said trying to shut the door.
She walked in the door. "Hey Ian where's lip?" She asked the boy walking down the stairs.
"In the room" Ian said
"Thanks" she smiled
She quickly walked up the stairs.
"Hey lip can I come in?" She knocked on the door.
"Yea" he said
"How are you doing" she crawled onto his bed.
"I'm alright you" lip shifted his body to face her.
"I'm ok" she mumbled with a smile.
"I'm sorry for being an ass earlier" lip said
"It's ok" she mumbled
"No it's not. I shouldn't have took my anger out on you."
"No y/n I'm sorry."
She just looked at him then looked away. "Can I make it up too you?" Lip asked with a grin.
"You gonna go down on her?" Jimmy/Steve joked
"Maybe and what do you want?" Lip asked
"Where's Fiona?" Jimmy/Steve asked
"I don't know, work I think" lip said
"Have fun you two." Steve/jimmy winked
They both laughed.
"So can I make it up to you?" Lip asked again
"I don't know." She laughed
He kissed her stomach. She played with his hair. "How about I take you somewhere?" He smiled planting another kiss on her.
"Okay where" she smiled
"It's a surprise" he smiled
"Okay" she laughed
He smiled before planting a kiss on her lips.
Her and lip knew each other since kindergarten. They always were more like friends with benefits though.
"I love you" she told him
"I love you too" he said
They started walking to the place.
"Are we almost there?" She asked
"Almost" he said
She grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers.
"Mm" she hummed as she swung them back and forth.
It was dark out now.
He stopped walking making her stop too. "This place looks abandoned." She laughed
"That's the point" lip laughed
"Stargazing?" She asked
"Mhm" lip smiled
"Aw you remembered"
"Yes it's your favorite thing. Of course I remembered." He said
She quickly hugged him. He opened the door and they walked up the Stairs. They sat down on the roof. "Lip your my best friend you know that right?"
"I know but listen I can't be just your best friend anymore." He said
"Wait what" she looked at him ready to cry.
"I can't be just a friend to you anymore." He said
She let a tear fall from her eyes. "Do you not get it? I wanna be with you okay?" Lip stared at her.
"I can't keep pretending that I'm not in love with you." Lip said
"But I thought you don't like relationships because you aren't good at them." She looked at him.
"I'm willing to give this one a try." He said placing his hand on her cheek. "Only if you are"
She smiled "are you asking me to be your girlfriend"
He shook his head yes."I wanna hear you say it." She laughed
"I want you to be my girlfriend y/n."
She leaned in kissing him. "I love you"
"I love you too" he said kissing her again.

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