John b (he's an ass)

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"Hey pretty boy" she smiled at the boy with long brown hair that had his hand reached out to her. She took his hand and got on the boat.
"Hey y/n" John b smiled
"There's a party tonight you coming?" Kiara asked the other girl.
"Nope. I have a date tonight." She smiled proudly
"Really" JJ laughed
"Mhm" she played with her hands.
"Well I hope you have fun with that." Pope smiled
"Thanks pope"
John b stared dead into the water. Not saying a word. "Have fun" John b said
"Yea hopefully he doesn't stand me up." She laughed trying to make things less awkward.
"How did you meet him" John b asked finally looking at her. Trying to hide how he really feels. "Ok so his name is Luke and I met him at the beach a few days ago and he asked me if id go to dinner with him sometime." She smiled

"Thanks guys see you tomorrow" she waved to them.
"Have fun!" John b yelled
"You too! Love you guys!" She yelled back
"Love you!" They all yelled back.

He was suppose to meet her there at eight o'clock.

"Hi can I get you something" the waitress asked
"Oh no I'm skating for someone" she smiled shyly
"Oh alright" the lady walked away.

Here it was nine o'clock and he still didn't show up.
She got a few stares of sympathy from people. Did they know she got stood up?
The waitresses came up a few times and asked her if she wanted anything, one even gave her a free drink cuz he felt bad.

It was now nine o'clock.
"Can I get you anything now" the lady asked
"No I'm just gonna go" she said
"I'm sorry hun" the lady hugged her.
A few minutes later a text from him popped up.

She decided she'd just go to the party.
"Hey guys" she said to the group.
"Uh  weren't you suppose to be on a date?" John b asked
"He stood me up?" She said sadly
"Fucking asshole" Jj muttered
"He's an ass"John b said
"You know him?" She laughed
"Nope but He's an ass for standing up the most beautiful girl in the world." John b said
"Wanna dance" she smiled
"No way in hell" John b said
"Pleaseee cmon JB show everyone your moves" she teased
"Fine" he sighed
"I'm sorry he stood you up" he said
"It's alright" she smiled
"Let's go to the balcony" he said
They stood on the balcony.
"Hm?" She looked over at John b.
"You look really pretty tonight." He smiled Shyly
"Thank you" she blushed
"He didn't deserve you anyway." John b said
"How do you know what I do and don't deserve?" She laughed
He stayed silent before opening his mouth to speak. "I don't"
"I'm done with dating." She said
"Mm not everyone is like him. I'm not." He said
"I know you're not." She laughed
"Let's go back inside and get you a drink." He smiled

"How many drinks have you had Jesus?" Pope asked her.
She held up her fingers counting.
"Three" she laughed
"Jesus" pope muttered
"She's cut off" John b said Taking her drink and drinking it.
"Dudeee give it back" she whined
He laughed and shook his head. "Oh my good that's Luke" she whispered
"That asshole" John b muttered
"Make him jealous" pope suggested
"How" she asked
"Kiss someone when he looks at you" pope said

"He's looking hurry kiss someone" pope said
She quickly grabbed John b and pulled him in. Their lips connected passionately. Her body right against his. Her hands in his hair. "Y/n what are you doing?" John b pulled away.
"I'm sorry I- Luke was- I'm sorry jb" she looked down at her feet.
"It's okay but you're drunk and I don't wanna do anything else" he said
She smiled "JB I really have to tell you something."
She played with her hands.
"I have to tel you something too" he said
"Okay well Um I really like you. I always have. I really like- love you." She said
"I love you too. You're really drunk though and you probably won't even remember this conversation."  John b said
"I love you John b so much." She said

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