Trick or treating w vinnie

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"You ready?" Vinnie asked
"Yup" She put her earring in.
She was being a detective super spy.
Vinnie was being her partner ofc.

"Kiss" Vinnie puckered his lips for her. She smiled before placing her lips on his. "Wanna get pictures first?" She asked
"Of course"

They took mirror pics and selfies and looked sexy as fuck.
"Let's go" She smiled

They trick or treated a few houses.
"Shouldn't you two be like partying right now?"  A lady asked
She looked like she was about thirty.
"Oh no we don't party much." Y/n smiled
"Ah I always got so high on Halloween. Well I got high all the time." The lady laughed
"Mom! Mom! Mom!" A boy yelled running down the stairs.
"What Marcus" the lady sighed
"Oh I- never" Marcus walked away shyly.
"Ugh that boy I swear." The lady gave them their candy.
"Bye" y/n waved

"She was nice" She said
Vinnie connected their hands and swung them back and forth.
"Kiss?"Vinnie turned to her.
She grabbed his face and kissed him. "I love you"
"I love you more" Vinnie said grabbing her what's and pulling her into him again.

A/n: this is so short but wtv

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