Rafe cameron

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"I hate this! I'm so fucking tired of you guys putting all of your fucking problems on me!" Y/n yelled at her parents.
"Everyday y/n do the dishes y/n clean the bathroom y/n go buy grocery's y/n why are you being so distant. I'm so tired! You guys are selfish pieces of shits. Every time I'm happy you guys come home and ruin it. I'm not the fucking parent you are! You guys are the ones who mess the dishes. You guys don't even take care of them! You leave them home alone or make me watch them!" She yelled

"It's not fair I'm the kid." She threw a plate towards her mom.
"You you did this to me." She pointed at her mom and dad sobbing.
"You refused to get me medication or diagnosed all my life. You didn't believe me yet you always asked me what was wrong with me." She cried
"You were horrible parents. You decided to not wear a condom or be on birth control. It's your fault." She cried

She felt someone's arms wrap around her.
"It's your fault." She cried
She slid down the person trying to hold her up. "You did this." She cried
Rafe's arms wrapped around her as he sat by her.
"Shh sh it's okay" He rubbed her back.
She turned around and cried into his shoulder. "Cmon let's go" He pulled her up.
"I fucking hate you!" She said to her parents.
Her little sister was sobbing. "I'm so sorry lia" She cried as Rafe pulled her out the door.
Rafe helped her in his car. She cried all the way to the Cameron's house.
"Ward said you can stay here for as long as you need." Rafe showed her the guest room.
"Please stay" She cried
"Sure" He crawled on the bed beside her.
She laid her head on his chest and cried herself to sleep.

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