The kidnapping ...

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A couple of days had now passed and I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me constantly. I've been on edge for the past week and a half. My best friend Ivry keeps saying it's probably something of nothing but my heart tells me something is wrong. Very Wrong.... I also haven't seen Axe for a while, it's as if he's vanished. Oh boy was I wrong, he's been a lot closer to me than I thought. 

I'm currently sat watching TV after having been at school all day, when I keep hearing noises but faintly. Curiosity once again has gotten the better of me, oh it's great being me at times. I begin walk into towards the kitchen where I think the noises are coming from but after looking around for a few minutes (all I could handle) I decide it's best if I ignore it as i'm no doubt allowing my thoughts to run away with me. Around 2 hours have now passed it's now 11pm and I'm getting tired, so with that I hed to bed. Getting changed into some shorts and a loose t shirt, I check my phone one last time and drift of to sleep.

.............................................................TIME STAMP..............................................................................

 I shoot up out of my once peaceful slumber to hear what sounds like someone is in my house. That's not unnerving at 2 in the morning is it. I grab the first thing I can think of which is a baseball bat, walk downstairs with my heart in my mouth, ready to face whatever the hell woke me up and is in my house. I can't belive my eyes, the person in my house is Axe. Now I know he's a dangerous man so I'm absolutley terrified to apparoch him. But that's too late now, he's seen me and is walking towards me with something in his hand but I can't quite make out what it is. 

Suddenly I feel a strong pair of arms wrap around my body and the smell of expensive colonge fills my nose. I feel a cloth cover my mouth and nose when a deep husky voice breaks the silence "It's ok baby girl. Just breath. I've got you now". I try and hold my breath for as long as I can but it's too late. He's got me. 

 I feel myself falling deeper into his arms and then everything goes black ......

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