Overprotective Axe ...

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Authors note ; 

Hey, so sorry I've been gone for ages, I've been super busy and went away on holiday only in the UK so couldn't upload as much as I would've liked. I'm back now so here's another chapter ! Hope you enjoy 

Ever since I had the nightmare a couple of days ago Axe has been super protective over me. Which is ok I guess just can't do anything alone anymore :( which is kinda annoying at times but I get he's doing it because he cares... Take yesterday afternoon for example I had to run to the store to get some things *lady issues* and I got embarrassed to ask Axe to get some with me so I just assumed it would be alright. Oh boy was I wrong.

Flashback ....

I woke up feeling slightly unwell and the all too familiar stomach cramps made their appearance. I realised I didn't have any erm products with me cos ya know I'm kidnapped. I really don't wanna ask Axe because I know what he'll say. For god sake Alyssa pull yourself together, he can't refuse for fuck sake. It took me a little while to 1 actually get out of bed because it hurts so freaking much and 2 I was slightly nervous for what he will say. I get dressed, nothing fancy today - just a jumper and some joggers. 

I made the journey down the extravagant marble staircase into Axe's office to break the news. "H-hey Axe, erm well you see I need to run to the store real quick just need a few things. I'll see you in a bit." I let out a breath and didn't know I was holding in anticipation. "Ok baby girl, give me 5 minutes and I'll come with you not having you going alone. No buts" For fuck sake i'm gonna have to tell him now aren't I. "Well Axe, baby I was hoping to go alone, to the store I mean just need some things" hoping that's enough of a hint. He looks at me with confusion and I think that's anger I really don't know "NO what have I told you about going outside the house without me. I thought I made that perfectly clear or do I need to punish you for disobeying me princessa ?" Right that's not fair my emtions are fucking everywhere right now I don't know if I'm turned on, upset, angry or just hormonal. "I don't wanna tell you this but you've left me no option. I want to go to the store alone because I need to get some period things. There I said it, I started my period this morning." His face immediately softened and he realised what I was trying to say. "Oh right, sorry for yelling baby girl. Of course we can go to the store, you don't have to be embarrassed about it, it's completely fine." 

I began to get dressed into some clean clothes when Axe wrapped his arms around my waist "How about I run to the store real quick and you stay here, I'll even get a bath ready for you. How's that sound Mi Amore" his husky voice mixed with the hotness of his breath sent shivers down my spine. "Y-y- yes o-ok" I couldn't manage much more than that. Fuck the things this man does to me ;) Giving him a quick kiss which turned into a make out session once again, Axe went to the bathroom to get my bath ready while I began to get ready. 

this is the gif for what happens below, just had to pick the Evan Peters one because come on he's just perfect ;) !

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this is the gif for what happens below, just had to pick the Evan Peters one because come on he's just perfect ;) !

After around 5 minutes my bath was done and Axe was leaving, I walked into the bathroom and I could sense his eyes fixed on my body looking at every inch. I glanced up slowly at him, it was quite funny to see him almost in a trance as his eyes continued to roam all over me. "Hey my eyes are up here mister" I couldn't help but chuckle to myself once Axe had snapped out of his daydream, "Ah just admiring what's mine baby girl" biting his lip and what I could swear was a low growl leave his lips he sent a wink my way and swiftly left the bathroom to go to the store.

WOW i'm left speechless.... my mind racing at 100mph all that's on my mind .....


Authours note ; 

i'm sooooo sorry for not updating, this parts been in my drafts for a while as I ran out of ideas on how to end this chapter but since publishing 2 short fanfics I have managed to get the motivation I needed to finish this one :) 

hope you're enjoying it ! byeeee

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2021 ⏰

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