Mine ...

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 I have been asleep on and off for around 20 minutes. I just can't get my head around the fact that I am in the arms of one of the most dangerous men in the world. Axe being who he is, has noticed that I'm starting to wake up. "Goodmorning baby girl, hope you slept well. We've got a busy day today" I raise my eyebrows in confusion to what he meant. "You see princessa, today you're going to meet the ones who are, how do I say 'closest' to me in terms of my gang" I lay there staring into his mesmerizing eyes taking in every word he says, "Erm o-o-ok. I just have one question before we go anywhere. Why did you kidnap me? What have I done for this to happen" Once again he lets out a deep chuckle before saying "I probably haven't been as honest with you as I would have liked to be. But if that's what you want to know, that's what you will find out. I have been watching you for quite some time now, making sure you're ok and safe. Ever since I first laid eyes on you I knew you had to be mine. I had to make sure nobody else could have you, so I took you." His words took a few seconds to sink in properly and I kept replaying those words in my head "you're mine".

.................................................TIME STAMP.....................................................

After talking on the couch with Axe about why he kidnapped me and him telling me everything about him being in the mafia etc. I decided to go and have a shower to try and collect my thoughts. I love having showers, calming me down as the warm water hits my skin. I soon realized I'd been in there for around 30 minutes and began to finish up to get dressed. I feel much better now that I've had time to process everything that's happened in the past 24 hours. My peaceful moment is soon cut short when it dawns on me that I don't have any clothes to wear. Oh shoot, what the hell can I wear, I can't exactly just walk downstairs and announce to everyone butt ass naked that I don't have clothes to wear. I'll just have to look around to see if I can find anything. I hope Axe won't mind if I borrow a hoodie or something till I find something. Walking over to the wardrobe, which might I add is bigger than my bedroom at home I finally find what looks like a hoodie which is big enough to cover my ass. Oh the advantages of being short. Once I finish up getting dressed, I walk down the staircase into the living room where me and Axe lay not that long ago. WOW everything in this house is so expensive looking I'm scared to touch anything. Walking into the living room, Axe being nowhere to be found I decide to just sit on the couch and watch the TV for a little while before Axe comes back. Flicking through netflix I decide on American Horror Story and settle to watch that.

....................................................TIME STAMP........................................................

Around 2 hours have now passed now and I'm starting to get bored of sitting here doing nothing. So I decide to try find where Axe is, surely he can't be far right ? After 5 minutes of searching, I find him sitting in what I think is his office with around 6 other scary looking men. It's not long before I catch Axe's attention."Hey baby girl, I wondered where you'd got to, come sit down princessa. There's some people I want you to meet." Erm there's no more chairs, where do I sit. Oh please don't say what I think is gonna happen. He's gonna make me sit on his lap isn't he. "Come here baby girl sit over here. It's ok they won't bite"  BINGO I was right.Oh god, here goes nothing... I walk hesitantly towards Axe, past each man sat across from him. I can feel their eyes burning into the back of me. I quickly sit down on Axe's lap looking down at the floor as I feel my face burning up with pure embarrassment. Axe lets out a gruff cough and begins to carry on with his conversation before I entered the room. I try to block everything out as best I can but all I can focus on is the fact that there's a group of clearly very dangerous men all talking so freely about killing people like it's nothing. Of course it's nothing to these people they're in the freaking mafia Alyssa, god you can be so naive sometimes. Every so often I pick up on small bits of their conversation, "Just shoot him boss. Money. Reputation. I really need to stop being so curious. "Now, as you have all probably gathered by now there's someone I want you all to meet. But before you are introduced I want to make this extremely clear, she is MINE and MINE ONLY. None of you are to touch her, think about her and if I find out you've hurt or upset her in ANY way I will personally see to it that you are dealt with appropriately" I can feel Axe's arms tighten around me as he gets more and more angry with his threats. I let out a small whimper because his grip is beginning to hurt slightly. "Shit sorry baby girl, I didn't mean to hurt you. Are you ok ? You know I would never hurt you in any way princessa." kissing my head and pulling me closer to him I begin to relax slightly. The men around the table quickly nod and say "yes boss" no sooner than Axe has finished his speech. I have no words for what has just happened, I still can't believe I'm sat in the arms of a freaking mafia boss. Not just any mafia boss, Axe Cortez - one of the most dangerous men in the world.

Authors Note ; 

Sorry this is a long chapter, I got carried away :) Hope You are all enjoying the story so far. 

Mio Amore (My love)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum