I will never forget this ...

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Alyssa's POV ;

I wake up feeling even more drained from the day before, how I don't know. Oh wait I know, it's because less than 24 hours ago I watched the man who's kidnaped me shoot someone. Yes you heard me he SHOT someone. Quite calmly and collected might I add. The reasoning behind the shooting  I have no clue all I could get out of Axe was it was "business that needed dealing with".  I wasn't born yesterday Axe. Eventhough it's pretty damn clear he's in some sort of mafia gang he's failed to actually tell me himself directly. I think I just need some time to myself today to process everything. 

..........................................TIME STAMP..................................

Around 4 hours have now passed and Axe hasn't made an apperance, I assume he's with his gang. We've still not spoken about last nights incident properly yet and I'm not willing to just brush it under the carpet because I keep reliving the moment every time I close my eyes and there's a constant nagging feeling in my stomach about Axe. I know this is going to sound drastic but how do I know he's not going to do worse and god help me if i'm there. The thought of Axe doing anything to me makes me feel sick with anxiety, how can I be sure...

Authors note ;

sorry this is a short one I'm loosing motivation with everything at the minuite but i'll upload a new chapter again this week. Sorry ! :)

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