Mission Impossible ...

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After Axe's big speech on how no man can breathe near me or he'll kill them personally, I get bored of sitting and listening to their 'meeting'. For one I'm trying to block everything out because I really don't wanna hear about Axe and his so called 'friends' mercilessly killing people right now. I think Axe has picked up on my boredom as he keeps whispering "It's ok princessa, not long now. You'll get me all to yourself very soon my angel." My heart is skipping a beat. No Alyssa, you need to stop having these feelings it's not ok. Ah maybe it's ok for a little while longer, I mean look at him, He's perfect in every way.

.......................................TIME STAMP...............................

Another 30 minutes have passed and I'm still sat in the same room. I'm soooo bored. I decide to play with the rings on Axe's fingers, they look pretty cool if I do say so myself. Just adding to the aesthetic he has. However, my eyes catch a glimpse of something dark hidden in his pocket which sparks my curiosity once more. Axe thinks I haven't noticed there's something in his pocket, before I know it he lifts his gun out of his pocket and slams it down with so much force i'm sure he dented the table. Just keep calm and pretend you haven't noticed anything. The last thing you need right now is for him to turn on you. Swear this man can read my mind, it's kinda creepy but sweet at the same time. "It's ok baby girl, I would never pull this on you. But seriously DO NOT EVER mess with this thing. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR PRINCESSA ! ?" Shit he's just yelled at me, I don't know what to say. Tears are threatening to spill from my eyes but I can't show weakness in front of him, otherwise he'll think i'm pathetic. All I can muster up is a simple "o-o-ok I won't." I have to get out of this room before I break down in front of complete strangers and a man I barely know. Axe's got a death grip on me and it's making it extremely difficult to leave. "Erm Axe, I need to use the bathroom really quickly.'' With that being said I quickly got up from Axe's lap and practically ran out of the room. As soon as I reached the living room Iimmediately sat down cross legged and began to take deep breaths in and out, calming myself down after a few moments. I decided to lay down for a while just to try and relax my body, failing that I turn on the TV and begin watching American Horror Story again to focus my mind on something else.

Axe had finished his meeting and managed to find me laying on the couch clearly focused on what had happened before. "Baby girl. Princessa look at me" I hesitantly look up into his eyes which are filled with guilt and disappointment. "I'm so sorry for yelling at you before, you know I would never hurt you all I want to do is protect you and keep you safe. Please don't be mad at me I already hate the fact I clearly made my angel cry" I didn't say a word, just moved closer to where he is sitting and hugged his side. This was enough for him to understand that I forgive him. "Thank You baby girl."

After around an hour of laying on the couch with Axe watching Netflix, his phone rang making his face turn from once content and dare I say happy to angry for interrupting our time together. He lets out a deep groan, further proving my theory that he's mad. "WHAT DO YOU WANT. NO IT CAN WAIT. FUCK SAKE CAN'T YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT YOU'RE SO SCREWED WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU." I just sit there in shock at the sudden mood change, unable to speak or move. Axe looks over at me clearly in shock, "Hang on a sec." He covers the speaker on his phone, "Baby girl, I'm sorry but I've got some important business to deal with right now but I don't want to leave you here all alone. So I'm taking you with me, but when we get there you have to swear to me that you won't get out of the car.' I simply nod my head. "I'll be there in 10." hanging up the phone, Axe quickly kisses my head and proceeds to get his things ready.

The car ride up to god knows where we are going was silent, he could sense my nervousness. Once we arrived, Axe said goodbye to me and told me once more to wait in the car for him to come back. I see Axe and what looks like some of the men from before in his meeting all standing around something talking scratch and yelling at each other. I look away for 30 seconds and when my gaze returns to the men, I see Axe pull out his gun and shoot someone as if it's the simplest thing in the world. My eyes widen in shock and fear, my body shakes at the sight before me. I begin to have a panic attack as the man lays lifeless on the floor around 5 meters away from me.

Axe quickly turns around to see if I saw or heard anything, much to his distaste. He rushes back to the car ripping open the car door and pulls me out of my seat into his arms. Repeating the same 3 words over and over till i'm calm enough to speak again. "It's ok i'm here now. I'm sorry baby girl. I've got you". After a good 10 minutes of him doing this, I'm finally calm enough to speak. "W- w - why did you sh-sh- shoot him. I- I - I saw everything" He looked at me with sympathetic eyes, "I'm so so sorry baby girl, i knew bringing you here was a bad idea I just didn't want you all alone." Axe then guided me back towards the car, fasting my seatbelt before going around to his side and driving away from the scene. It wasn't long before we were back at his house, I physically couldn't bring myself to stand up so Axe carried me inside and up to what I think is his bedroom. Laying me down gently, he takes off his shirt revealing his toned abs and tattoos which lay across his stomach and chest area. I find myself staring at his beautiful god like body, he smirks at me "like what you see baby girl ?" I can't seem to get the words out so I just nod. He chuckles to himself and begins to climb into the bed with me holding me close to his chest. The sound of his heartbeat soon sends me off to sleep after a while. "Goodnight princessa, I love you so much you don't understand" he places soft kisses on my head and cheeks before falling asleep himself. I think I might be catching feelings for him... 

Authors note ;

So sorry this was gonna be a short one because when I was writing it I had a bit of writter block. But then I got into it again :) so it's a bit longer than expected. However, the next chapter will focus soley on Alyssa's feelings about what's happned on the mission. Hope you're enjoying it so far !

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