Waking up ...

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Alyssa's POV .....

I manage to open my eyes but can't figure out where I am, all I can see is a big dark room with what I'm certain is concreate below me. That explains the pain I feel on my back. I've probably been thrown in here, literally. All i can focus on is the intense pain at the back of my head, I'm convinced that I must have hit it on something when I blacked out. But I don't have the strengh or energy to reach my hand up and check it out. 

Around 10 minites have passed and so far nothings chnaged. I'm still here laying on the floor with a pounding headache, so I decide to try and get up and figure out what the fuck is going on right now. As I walk around the room I notice that there's a light coming from behind another door, so in the hope of finding safety I find myself walking closer and closer to this unbeknown light. 

Finally, I reach the door and slowly creep into the room which looks like it's possibly a living room in someones house. I'm shaking like a leaf because I'm so terrified of what could possibly happen to me if I bump into someone. Well that's all cut short when a booming deep voice fills the room. "And where do you think you're going baby girl. I was just coming to find you. You're not running away from me are you princessa ?"  His voice is so powerful. I stand frozen in my tracks, my hearts beating so quickly I could go into cardiac arrest at any moment. Before I can turn around and make a run for it, a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist. The strange yet familair scent of exensive colonge once again takes over my senses, I daren't turn around. Opening my eyes that I didn't realised were closed I look down towards my waist and the same pair of arms that were around me just before I blacked out were there. Staring up at me. I have so many emotions ; fear, sadness yet also lust and curiosity, primarliy because I can't shake the thought of who these perfectly muscular arms belong to. 

Come on Alyssa, you're stronger than this, the last thing you need to do right now is fall head over heels for some strange yet god like man who's probably resposible for you being in this mess. One quick glance won't hurt, right ? I mean it would be helpful to see who i'm dealing with here. Ok here goes everything Alyssa, you can do this. Just turn around, look and run for it. I manage to wriggle out of his grasp just enough to turn my head and catch more than just a glance at the man behind me. WOW, HOLY SHIT he's Fucking beautiful. His eyes are deep blue like the ocean, his flawless olive toned skin, his muscular arms. That's enough to make any girl go weak... 

Ok Lyssa calm down

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Ok Lyssa calm down. think about this logically, he's KIDNAPPED YOU !! He's clearly freaking evil. 

The familair voice once again fills the room but this time he whispers down my ear "I asked you a question baby girl, it's rude to ignore people. Especially me." He must have sensed my fear because I can feel his lips grow closer to my neck. WOW OK, breath Alyssa. Christ i'm a mess right now. "n-n-n- no I wasn't runing away, I was erm erm trying to find the bathroom" oh yeh nice going Alyssa, he's surely gonna belive that. This is it. I'm doomed. He let out a deep chuckle and began walking towards one of the many sofas in this ginormous room. His arms were still wrapped tightly around me. 

Sitting down on the sofa, I tried to move further away from his because I don't know this dude and wasn't about to let him do anything. Well his face clearly doesn't like that I moved. "No, don't move away from me." Once again his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him so that I'm practically on him. Not gonna lie it's pretty comfy. He runs his hands through my hair, whispering soothing words in my ear. Didn't take long before I began to drift of to sleep. "Goodnight baby girl, sweet dreams. You're mine now" kissing me on my head.

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