Clover and Ouhgan Chapter 2

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          Clover hurried over to her master, the look in his eyes telling her she was moving too slow. She poured him a drink and stepped behind him as she always did.

He raised his drink, "to new and strong partnerships," Delancey toasted.

Ouhgan raised his chalice and toasted with Lord Delancey. His eyes quietly examined him the whole time. He didn't quite trust that man. But he and none of his men had fallen dead from poison yet, so he was willing to play along for as long as Delancey played nice.

After a night of drinking and what humans called fine food, Ouhgan retired for the night. Delancey was reluctant to allow orcs to sleep in his home but he needed to show solidarity towards them and gave in despite his better judgment. Telling himself the ends justify the means.

But after the orcs left, he would most certainly have to have everything in the room removed and burned.

Ouhgan's room was huge and spacious, the wooden floors creaked under his feet. Red and gold tapestries hung from the ceiling with matching rugs decorating the floor. The walls were adorned with the heads of big game that Lord Delancey did not hunt himself, he was not the type. The fire was burning and the bed was too small. But the room was warm and cozy enough.

He warmed his hands by the fire, the night was cold. He let out a tired yawn when he heard a light tapping at his door. It was too late to entertain guests in his room. He thought he was hearing things, until he heard the knock again accompanied by a soft voice.

"Excuse me, my lord I'm coming in,"

The door slowly opened and Clover walked in. Ouhgan could make out her throat as she swallowed hard. She seemed to be nervous and he knew that was the case when she walked towards him. Her wide eyes eyed the ground with her hands folded together in front of her and they were shaking.

She stopped just inches in front of Ouhgan. Her lips moved but no sounds came out. She was clenching her hands together so hard Ouhgan could see the muscle in her arms tense up.

"What is it Little Bird,"

Without saying a word, her trembling hands reached out for him. Her body seemed to move by itself and in slow motion as her hand slowly moved up his arms.

It was the first time in a long time he had been touched by another woman other than his wife in years. It was a soft gentle touch that gave Ouhgan goosebumps and made the fine hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

She pressed her body against his, he was warm and Clover could feel his heart pounding against her breast. Her eyes met his and she stood on the very edge of her tiptoes and still, he was too tall for her.

But when he realized his head was slowly moving down to meet her lips he stopped himself.

"I'm sorry Little Bird, but I can't," he whispered, grabbing her by the shoulders and gently pushing her away. "Please tell Delancey it was a generous gift but one I am not able to accept. Please leave."

Ouhgan turned his back and walked away leaving Clover speechless and on the verge of tears.

"Please don't send me away my lord," her voice shook as she fought back tears and Ouhgan knew if he turned around to look at her he would take pity.

"You should go,"

"My lord," she pleaded.

"Leave!" He commanded.

His cold, stern voice chilled her to the bone. She turned and walked towards the door. He listened as she placed her hand on the doorknob and the last thing he heard was the door quietly closing behind her.

It was a relief when Ouhgan heard the door close. Just what did she think she was doing. It was obvious to him that she had never seduced anyone in her life. No doubt Delancey put her up to that.

He didn't trust Delancey; he was up to something and the only reason he agreed to this meeting was to find out what. He strolled over to the door, quietly opened it, and poked his head out. He looked left then right there was no sign of Little Bird.

He hated rejecting her like that but he was married. When he was sure the hallway was clear he walked down to Nash's room and knocked on the door. He waited a moment and there was no answer.

He knocked again and was sure he heard noises coming from the room so he knew Nash was still awake. After a few moments, the door swung open. Nash was slightly out of breath, his black hair was disheveled and he had only the bedsheet wrapped around his waist.

"Hey there boss, shouldn't you be asleep," Nash huffed.

Ouhgan's eyes narrowed for a moment as he carefully studied Nash.

"I could say the same for you,"

"Yes, well you know me Boss I-"

"Nash, come back to bed baby," a female voice said from inside the room. "The fun's just getting started." Another voice said.

Ouhgan locked eyes with Nash then tilted his head to see inside the room where two elf maidens beckoned Nash to return to bed. Ouhgan didn't even have to ask. Nash was a handsome orc even by human standards, he had no problems with the ladies.

"Am I interrupting?"

"No, well yes," Nash said.

"Good," Ouhgan replied. " Think you can get your two lady friends to loosen their lips. I don't trust this Delancey guy, he's up to something."

Nash smiled wide. "I'm on it, boss,"

"Good, good, " Ouhgan cleared his throat. "Carry on," he said after an awkward silence between the two. "Good night,"

"Good night Boss."

Ouhgan retired to his room for the night. He pulled the blanket from the bed and laid it on the floor next to the fireplace. His mind wandered to Little Bird, he laughed at her awkward attempt to seduce him. Within moments his eyes grew heavy and he was fast asleep with Clover on his mind.

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