Rugorim and Cicada

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         Cicada nestled even closer to Rugorim. Her all-night tossing and turning had caused the shirt she was sleeping in to slip down allowing Rugorim to feel the warmth of her bare breast pressed against his back.

He rubbed faster, gripping his member tighter. His eyes squeezed shut as he steadied his breathing through his nose, careful not to let his muffled moans escape. He didn't want Cicada to hear his low cries of pleasure. Remembering every curve of her body vividly, his stroke quickened.  The image of her naked body when she stepped out of the bath would never leave his mind. He was pleased that she had chosen to share that with him.

The sight of her bare body dripping wet from the bath fueled his urges. He could see her body clearly in his head every curve enticing him to the edge. On the brink now, his heart was pounding.  His body tensed and he shut his eyes tight and sought release.

Struggling to calm his racing heart, he turned his gaze towards Cicada. A wave of emotions surged within him as he studied her sleeping face. This woman was driving him crazy, slowly becoming his obsession, dominating his thoughts day and night. A constant inner battle he couldn't escape. Taking a bath with her and seeing her that way was a mistake.

But he couldn't resist this woman. He was utterly powerless against her. She possessed an enchanting power that completely captivated him. Rugorim wrapped his arms around Cicada and pulled her closer to him.

         The power of his sweet release was starting to catch up with him. He nestled his nose against the curve of her neck inhaling her sweet fragrance. The soothing and peaceful scent of her calmed his senses and within minutes he was fast asleep dreaming of her.

          The next morning he smiled to himself when Cicada reached out for him.  But she only felt a cold emptiness beside her. She sat up and scanned the room. There was no reason for him not to be there. No need for him to have rushed off before sunrise.

"Rugorim," she smiled when their eyes met.

"So beautiful," he whispered.

"Good morning," her eyes sparkled.

Her heart fluttered at the thought of her lord's gaze upon her as she slept. His mere presence had the power to ignite her passion.

"Come back to bed," she reached out to him.

He stepped forward, his hand reaching for hers, but stopped. After last night, he knew he couldn't indulge himself that way again. If he took her hand now there was no stopping his desire. If he laid down next to her right now he would have her.

In his eyes, Cicada was a lady and to compromise her or treat her as anything less would not only disgrace her but mar his own integrity.

His heart heavy, he withdrew his hand and departed determined to leave but aching to stay.

"Rugorim?" she called but he seemed to look past her, his eyes distant.

But he didn't stop, neither did he hesitate. All she could hear was the loud echo of his steps as he marched towards the door more determined with every step. She wanted to cry out to him. Beg him to stay but she couldn't find the words.

His large silhouette disappeared behind the door as he slammed it shut. The silence that ensued was deafening. She felt as if he was walking out on her forever. She couldn't bear such a thought. Tears streamed down her face,  he was taking a piece of her away with him and her heart cried out in anguish.

          Cicada watched the door for hours waiting for Rugorim to return. She felt a deep wave of hurt wash over her as she realized he wasn't coming back. She buried her face in his pillow needing to smell his scent and feel his warmth in his absence. The memory of last night flooded her mind. Desperately wanting to stay in that moment forever, she knew she had to leave because her tears threatened to drown her.

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