Clover and Ouhgan 6

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          Clover slowly opened her eyes and scanned the room. It only took her a moment to realize she was in Lord Ouhgan's room, Lord Ouhgan's bed. Her heart was pounding as she slowly sat up through the pain. Her head started spinning but only for a moment. She looked around for her clothes but couldn't find them. They had been covered in blood and completely ruined. She took a deep breath, threw her legs over the edge of the bed, and scanned the room once more but this time for Lord Ouhgan.

Of course, he was nowhere to be found, as relieved as she was, it was a disappointment. It would have been nice if she had opened her eyes to Lord Ouhgan's smiling face looking down at her.

She buried her face in her hands and blushed at the thought, what right did she have to even hope for such things.

Lord Ouhgan was a powerful orc chieftain and she was a slave that belonged to someone else.

"Too bad I can't belong to Lord Ouhgan," she whispered.

"The sleeping bird finally wakes up,"

"Lord Ouhgan," Clover jumped up, "when did you-"

A piercing pain shot through her side and she crumbled to the floor.

"Clover!" Ouhgan shouted. "Don't push yourself," he said, helping her to her feet and back in bed. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine," she smiled through the pain.

She was so lost in thought about him she hadn't even heard him enter the room.

"Really," Ouhgan raised an eyebrow and glared at her. "No need to put on a brave face for me, Little Bird."

"My side feels like it's on fire."

"Delancey broke your ribs," Ouhgan growled.

"Lord Delancey," Clover jumped to her feet. "What am I thinking, he'll have my head!"

"Clover," Lord Ouhgan said, grabbing her shoulders and sitting her on the bed. "Clover," he whispered. "It's ok he can't, no he won't hurt you anymore,"

          The painful memories of what Lord Delancey did to her flooded her mind and tears flooded her eyes.

She remembered everything that happened that night. At the behest of her master, she had been so willing to spend the night with Lord Ouhgan. Though it was an order, at that moment there was nothing she wanted more.

But she never expected Lord Ouhgan to turn her away. Thinking about it now, Clover was mortified, Lord Ouhgan had rejected her. She had tried to seduce him and failed miserably. But even still she had ended up in bed with him.

Clover's face flushed red and she couldn't look at Lord Ouhgan. She remembered laying on top of him completely naked. But she could not have felt safer than she was at that moment. It was that horrible beating that she received at the hands of her master that led her to Lord Ouhgan's bed.

It was his warmth, his gentle touch that brought her back. She would have been more than happy to be freed from that life. But his tender touch on her icy body lit a fire in her heart that made her want to live.

And in the night when her body began to shiver. She felt his warm hands caressing her keeping her warm. If only that moment could have lasted forever.

Even now with his hands resting on her shoulder, his touch was soothing.

"Where is Lord Delancey?"

"Who knows," Ouhgan shrugged. "I liked his estate so I decided to keep it for myself," he laughed.

"Lord Ouhgan you can't just take Lord Delancey's land, he's a lord. Though of low status, he is still a lord,"

"I only did to him what he tried to do to me,"

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