Clover and Ouhgan 7

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Clover blinked her wet eyes at the sound of the cockscrow. The morning sun peeked through her window to reveal her tear-stained pillow. Once again she had cried through the night and into the morning. Burying her face in her pillow trying to quiet her sobs and hide her uncontrollable flow of tears.

Lord Ouhgan is married, she never once considered that. He had rejected her because he belonged to someone else. She was in love with someone she could never have. How was her heart supposed to deal with that?

"Ouhgan," tears streamed down her face. "Ouhgan, Ouhgan,"

She had blindly given her heart to someone who would never accept it. When Bula walked through the door that day, her heart fell into the pit of her stomach and before Ouhgan could even say a word, somehow she knew, she just knew. Lord Ouhgan would never be hers. How was she supposed to deal with that? How was she supposed to face Lord Ouhgan every day with these unrequited feelings?

She didn't know, how could she have known, he never said anything.

Wiping her tears, she threw her legs over the edge of the bed. It was becoming harder and harder for her to get out of bed every morning. But even still, despite the heaviness in her heart, her body moved on its own. Rushing downstairs to greet Lord Ouhgan before the day began.

"Good morning,"

"My lord," Clover quickly wiped away her tears. "Good morning," she smiled wide.


"Ouch, dammit!"

"Again my lord,"

"I just can't get used to the size of these human homes," Ouhgan complained rubbing the pain away from his forehead.

"Humans are so small,"

"Not at all my lord," Clover smiled. "It's just that you're so big,"

"Mmm," Ouhgan stroked his beard I should have considered that before I chose this particular house for my own,"

"I think you made a fine choice my lord," Clover smiled knowing Lord Ouhgan only picked this house because it had a small loft upstairs that made a perfect room for her.

"You think so?"

"Yes, it's a lovely house, my lord. Warm and pleasant and I prefer this small cozy home over that huge manor any day." She smiled. "And you're here," she blushed. "so-"

"if only Bula was as optimistic as you,"

Ouhgan gasped as his wide-eyed gaze turned to Clover instantly regretting his words.

"Little Bird, I-"

"Would you like me to make you some breakfast my lord?"

"Little Bird..." he sighed. "You're going to spoil me with all this royal treatment,"

"I don't mind my lord," Clover mumbled, staring at the ground. "I don't mind,"

Ouhgan frowned and Clover could feel his heavy gaze lingering on her for what seemed like an eternity.

"Ah, uh, did you sleep well my lord," Clover asked.

"Oh uh yes, I did," he replied, realizing he was staring. "And you, how did you sleep Little Bird,"

"I slept well my lord,"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure my lord," Clover offered Ouhgan the biggest smile she could muster.

Of course, that was a lie and Lord Ouhgan knew that. Her wide smile was fake, and he knew that too. She hadn't slept well, she hadn't slept at all and her red puffy eyes gave her away.

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