Clover and Ouhgan Chapter 5

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           Delancey's hands tightened into a fist, and all he could think about was shoving it down that orc's throat. That orc had made a fool out of him and in front of everyone, including Opal.

He would have to go to Cileria and petition the king to get his manor back. Surely, the king would not allow this to go unpunished. Though he would be a laughing stock, he was a lord that had his land stolen and by an orc without one drop of blood being spilled. The king would not turn a blind eye to this. Even though it could mean war with the orcs once again.

It would be a long walk, but Delancey had no choice; he would have to tuck his tail and return to Cileria.

          Delancey's feet were on fire. Never had he walked so far in his life. He couldn't go another step. He plopped down on a fallen tree trunk just a few feet from the road.

His back was aching, and his feet were throbbing, and all he could think of was getting his revenge on that orc. How utterly embarrassing and humiliating for him to have to arrive at court on foot.

"That damn orc, this is all his fault!"

He would see him hanged by his entrails. He slammed his fist on the tree trunk, blooding his knuckles.

Now what, he thought, dropping his head in his hands. He was nowhere near Cileria, his feet ached, and now he was bleeding. He wanted to scream, and he probably would have had he not heard the sound of an approaching wagon.

He ran to the side of the road, forgetting his aching feet.

"Excuse me, good sir, but might you be -"

Delancey looked left then right but saw no one save a horse and a wagon. From below him, he heard someone clear their throat. Upon looking down, Delancey nearly jumped clear out his shoes.

"Meinlys Fendwyr, at your service. What can I do you for?"

Delancey stared wide-eyed, mouth opened at the dark-skinned white-haired dwarf. Her long, dreaded hair was pulled back into a neat bun that rested on the back of her head. Her body was thick with wide hips and every muscle being firm and well defined.

"Never seen a woman of my stature have you, huh?" she smiled wide. "Well, I've been known to leave men speechless before,"

"Are, are you headed to Cileria?"

This was no time for his preconceived opinions about dwarfs.  At this point, he'd take a ride from two-headed cyclops.

"Sure thing, sugar," she smiled. "I'm heading that way to sale my wares,"

"Sure thing, sugar," Delancey repeated under his breath with a heavy sigh. "Who does this dwarf think she is?"

"Well then, if you're headed that way. Would you be so kind as to give me a ride,"

"Sure thing hun,"

"Oh great," Delancey said, starting to climb on the back of Meinlys's wagon.

"But it's gonna cost you, sweet cheeks," she smiled wide, showing her white teeth.

"What! You charlatan,"

"Call me what you want hun, but I know a lord when I see one," she winked.

"Why you, "Delancey huffed,  what choice did he have?"Fine, fine, how much then."

"Humm, fifty yules, hun,"

"What! fifty yules! That's highway robbery, you scoundrel. I'm not paying you fifty yules. Forget it. "

"Fine by me sugar, hope you make it to Cileria before nightfall."

Meinlys clicked her tongue, and the horse started walking. He couldn't let her know that he had no yules to his name, but he needed to get back to Cileria.

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