Chapter 19

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I cleared my throat and licked my lips before I shifted on my feet. Anxiety and the urge to leave filled my body, and I looked toward the king, wanting to get out of there. "Pensez-vous que je puisse m'échapper? (Do you think I can escape?)" I asked my uncle and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "J'ai faim. (I am hungry.)"

I also want to get away from all of these people looking at me with annoyed faces, I added silently, feeling the gaze of thousands on me, even though there were about forty people in the room, not including the Guardsmen that were "hiding" and making sure that everyone stays safe.

"Bonjour, j'ai faim. Je suis l'oncle Brody, (Hello, hungry. I am Uncle Brody,)" my uncle said and grinned when I scowled and narrowed my eyes. "Je suis ravi de vous rencontrer. (It is nice to meet you.)"

"Oncle, (Uncle,)" I scowled, and his grin grew wider. I rolled my eyes and scowled, but a small smile appeared on my lips because I was amused.

My uncle shrugged and grinned innocently. He looked towards the king, and I followed his gaze to see that he was glancing at us while he was talking to someone else.

"Pensez-vous qu'il vous permettra de partir? (Do you think that he will allow you to leave?)" my uncle asked while he turned his attention back to me.

"Oui, (Yes,)" I replied, even though I had no idea if he would allow me to leave or not. "Si c'est pour déranger sa soeur et prendre des cookies. (If it is to bother his sister and take some cookies.)"

"Hmph." My uncle chuckled and nodded. "Je suis sûr qu'il le ferait si vous l'ameniez avec vous. (I am sure that he would if you bring him with you.)" He nodded towards Xavier, and the Alpha raised an eyebrow in question.

I looked at Xavier and smiled before I turned my attention back to my uncle. "J'allais, (I was going to,)" I replied. "Cela le rend fou. (It is making him mad.)" I glanced towards my other uncle to see that he was still staring at us while he was talking to someone else.

"Je lui fais peur, (I scare him,)" Uncle Brody said with glee, and I rolled my eyes and scowled. "Je suis sûr que c'est pourquoi il ne vient pas ici pour vous dire quelque chose. (I am sure that is why he is not coming over here to say something to you.)" He looked at me and grinned.

I rolled my eyes again, and my scowl deepened. "Il y a une autre raison pour laquelle il ne viendra pas ici, mon oncle, (There is another reason why he won't come over here, Uncle,)" I said and narrowed my eyes. "Et vous connaissez cette raison. (And you know that reason.)"

My uncle shrugged and smirked. "Go ask him if you can leave," he said, switching back to English.

"Leave?" Xavier asked, speaking for the first time while my uncle and I chatted in French. He looked between us, his eyes guarded, and his whole body was tense. "Leave where?"

I didn't respond and looked towards the mind to see that he was staring at us. I pouted and kicked my head. 'Please?' I asked. 'I am hungry.'

My uncle smiled and slowly nodded, even though I had a feeling that he wanted me to stay. 'Fine,' he said, 'but you are to help the servants after dinner. Is that understood?'

I grinned, happy that he was allowing me to leave the party, even though I was going to have to work. 'Yes, Your Majesty,' I said, and he scowled and narrowed his eyes in annoyance but didn't say another word.

"Good news?" Uncle Brody asked, and I looked at him. He raised an eyebrow and looked at me, amused.

I nodded. "Can we meet later this evening?" I asked. "How late are you staying?"

"Jusqu'à ce que vous en ayez fini avec moi. (Until you are finished with me,)" Uncle Brody said, switching to French. He looked at the king before he looked at me. "Je suis sûr que ton oncle t'a fait faire quelque chose après le dîner, n'est-ce pas? (I am sure that your uncle has you doing something after dinner, yes?)"

I nodded in confirmation. "Oui, (Yes,)" I replied. "Il veut que j'aide les domestiques à nettoyer la zone après que nous ayons mangé. (He wants me to help the servants clean up area after we eat.)"

My uncle hummed and nodded before he cleared his throat and stood tall. "Well," he said, switching back to English. "Then I shall see you when it is time for dinner." He looked at Parker and grinned this grin that I knew all too well. "Come, Parker," he said and clasped the other male's shoulder. "Let's go gossip like a group of clucking of hens, shall we?"

Parker looked at Xavier and me with eyes wide and filled with gear. He wanted to say no, but he was afraid of what would happen if he did, especially since my uncle was known to be the toughest Alpha.

I squeezed Xavier's hand reassuringly and scowled at my uncle. "Be nice," I warned and narrowed my eyes. "If not..." I let my eyes flash to those of my wolf, and my uncle grinned, amused.

"Of course," he said and nodded. He squeezed Parker's shoulder, and his grin grew. "Don't worry, Boy," he said. "I won't lay a hand on you unless I want my niece to try and hand my ass over to me."

I rolled my eyes and scowled. "Oncle, (Uncle,)" I warned, and he grinned and shrugged.

"What?" he asked and cocked his head. Amusement filled his eyes while he looked at me, and he bowed his head a little.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Be nice," I warned again.

"I am, I am," my uncle said. "I am always nice."

"Si tu es toujours gentil, alors pourquoi mon oncle a-t-il peur de toi? (If you are always nice, then why is my uncle afraid of you?)" I asked, switching to French and raising an eyebrow.

Uncle Brody smiled and winked, and I raised an eyebrow in question. "Parce que je suis le meilleur oncle, (Because I am the better uncle,)" he replied, and I had to bite back a snort. "Now, behave yourself and don't get into too much trouble. We will see you both later." He bowed his head and left, making sure that he had a hand on Parker's shoulder. "Goodbye, and I'll see you two again soon."

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