Chapter 11

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"So whose head do you want to beat in?" May asked and raised an eyebrow.

We looked at each other and grinned, one name appearing in our heads at the same time. "Charlie!" we yelled, looking in the direction of the hallway and to wherever Charlie was hiding.

Sergio covered a laugh with a cough but couldn't stop the chuckle that escaped.

"What'd he say?" I asked and looked at Sergio.

"He said, "aw, shit,"" he replied. "He'll meet you in the basement, but he is going to be in full protective gear."

I shrugged nonchalantly. "Fine with me," I said. "Just make sure he doesn't use the groin guard that breaks again. We don't need him out of service before I have my fun."

May snickered and nodded. "I won't," she promised. She cleared her throat and looked at Sergio before she looked at me. "Well, I guess that we are going to leave you two alone," she said, "so that you can make your way to the basement. You still have clothes in your locker, so you don't have to fight Charlie in..." She gestured to the dress that I had on.

I gasped in shock and put my hands on my hips before jutting one hip out. "Uh, ex-cuse me," I said. "What is that supposed to mean?" I raised an eyebrow, and she grinned. "I can fight in a dress and in heels, so don't give me that bull shit."

"Oh, I know that," May said, "but I don't think they will want to fight you in heels anytime soon." She smirked. "Are they Guardsmen heels anyway?" she asked.

"Yep," I said and moved my dress so that she could see them. "What else would they be?"

"Regular heels," Sergio said, and I rolled my eyes and scowled. He raised his hands in mock surrender. "Hey, you are the one that said that your uncle has tried to confiscate your stuff from us. I don't understand why when you are still a Guardsmen and will be until the day you die."

"After death, too," I said and shrugged. "I am sure that I'd be a Guardsman after death, too, and protect the ex-kings and queens that had died before us."

"What do you mean by Guardsmen heels?" Xavier asked, looking between the three of us. He furrowed his brows and cocked his head. "I thought they were normal heels."

I shook my head, no, for they weren't normal heels. "They can be used as weapons, too," I said. I grabbed one of them and took it off, balancing on one foot. I turned the shoe upside down. "The heel can be taken off and used as a spike." I took the heel off to show the spike. "I can also twist this part of the heel and make it into a knife." I twisted the part that connected to the base of the heel, and the tip became a knife.

"The blade is made of a material that can be deadly to any creature," Sergio said. "There is another blade that can be released from the top part," he added while I closed the blade and put the heel back onto my shoe.

Xavier slowly nodded and looked at me. "It sounds like you are locked and loaded," he said, and I nodded in confirmation.

"It's one of the reasons why I am annoyed with my uncle," I explained and put my shoe back on. "I mean, I am able to protect myself and the people around me, but... ya." I shrugged and cleared my throat while I grimaced. "Are you two going to go down with us?" I asked, changing the subject while I looked at Sergio and May.

They shook their heads', no.

"We'll meet you two do there, but I am sure that you are fine on your own," Sergio said. He dipped his head to Xavier. "It's nice to meet you," he said. "I hope to see you again sometime."

"You will," I said. I pressed my tongue to my bottom lip nervously, not knowing if Xaver was fine with that or not. I hoped that he would be because I enjoyed his company, and I knew that my group wouldn't care about who I brought with me. "You'll see a bit more of me, too, because... I am going to talk to my uncle."

Sergio raised an eyebrow and frowned. "Are you sure that you want to go to that extreme?"

I nodded. "If anyone can talk some sense into Uncle Bryson, then it'd be Uncle Brody."

"It could lead to a fight," Sergio pointed out.

"Good, then Uncle Brody can put Uncle Bryson through his paces for me because I do not want to do it, or else I could possibly hurt him."

"I'll bring the popcorn," May said and grinned. "Do you think he'll do it?"

I shrugged and grimaced. "Who knows," I replied. "All I know is that I want to put Charlie through his paces and let my anger out."

"We'll meet you there," Sergio said. He nodded goodbye, and both May and him walked away, disappearing into thin air.

"Wha-" Xavier said but stopped.

I patted his arm, trying to keep myself from smirking. "You'll get used to it," I said and cleared my throat. "Come on, let's get going. We're going to have to take the elevator."

I turned in the direction of the elevators and walked that way with Xavier still looking in the spot that May and Sergio had gone. "Are you coming?" I asked over my shoulder, "or are you going to be staying over there?"

"I'm coming," Xavier said and jogged to catch up to me. He cleared his throat and turned in that direction. "Where did they go?" he asked, looking at me.

"They became invisible," I replied and shrugged because it was normal for me. "I told you about the uniforms, right?" I asked and raised an eyebrow at him.

"I thought you were joking," he admitted. "I did not think that you could do that."

I snorted and shook my head, amused. "Nope," I said. "I wasn't joking. We can disappear in those uniforms, and we can reappear whenever we please." I shrugged. "Some people learn how to sense others when they're like that, but others can't."

"Can you?" Xavier asked and stopped in front of the elevator when I stopped. "Can you sense them?"

I pressed the button, and the elevator went ding and opened. I flashed him a smirk and walked in, followed by him. "But of course," I replied. "It's sometimes hard to hide things from me."

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