•37• The Fall Back

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«YOU FUCKING WHORE!» yelled Alexa, while she, Lisa (Cimorelli), Hwasa, Moonbyul and Jessi stepped inside my apartment «WHERE WERE YOU FOR ALL THIS TIME!?»I raised my hands in surrender as they were about to hit me «Yow! Chill! I got kidnapped and ...

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«YOU FUCKING WHORE!» yelled Alexa, while she, Lisa (Cimorelli), Hwasa, Moonbyul and Jessi stepped inside my apartment «WHERE WERE YOU FOR ALL THIS TIME!?»
I raised my hands in surrender as they were about to hit me «Yow! Chill! I got kidnapped and y'all are jumping at me! Can't y'all see my bruises!?» a shocked chorus of "what?!" was heard, as I sighed and nodded «Yeah... Can't go into details but... I'm just happy to be back...»
Lisa said «Oh no, you can't just say "I can't go into details" after telling us you got kidnapped and pretend to get away with it.»
I shrugged «I really can't.»
Hwasa said «Were you with Lalisa while kidnapped?»
My eyes widened «How did you know?!»
Moonbyul said «We've heard she's in the hospital in pretty bad conditions and we just connected the dots.»
I groaned and closed the door behind them as we sat around my living room «Yeah, she's got a bunch of bruises and definitely broken ribs. Pretty sure she's alive only because of a miracle.»
Jessi said «Indeed she is.»
I looked at her confused «And how do you know?»
She said «I'm a close friend of her doctor.»
Moonbyul asked «Who?»
«Tiffany Young.» Jessi simply said while we all said in chorus
«No shit!»
I added «The famous Tiffany Young? The youngest most famous doctor of South Korea?»
Jessi nodded «Yeah. Fany and me go back a long time. We're besties.»
Jessi shrugged «It's just me. We always tell each other everything, even how much we shit. And apparently our CEO isn't the easiest to deal with.»
I scoffed smirking «No shit.... She's always been hard headed. She never does what it's told although they might know more than her. She's annoying really.»
Lisa asked «Why are you two together then?»
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms «Well, that's because she tricked me and still being in love I didn't call it off, giving it one last chance. I thought I've told you this already. Anyway, want something to eat or drink?»
Jessi and Hwasa said together «Alcohol.»
Then the second added «Anyway, so what do you think of doing now? You've got your girlfriend back, you have a job, your family is also back... Will you leave your job and come back to school?»
I shook my head «The school still doesn't believe me and even if they did, no. I won't. I think I'll work for Manoban for a while then I'll talk to her to see if I can alternate between job and acting school. Kinda wanna sign up for it since my medical career is dead.» I explained while walking towards the kitchen, followed by the group to get something, Moonbyul saying «Not a bad plan. I mean, you've always wanted to be an actress, no?»
I nodded «Indeed. And that's all I've planned for now.»

«I said I'm leaving Miss Young

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«I said I'm leaving Miss Young. I'm well and my activity needs me. I'm very busy and staying here isn't going to help me.»
Tiffany Young just stared at me annoyed and arms crossed «You're not the worst patient I had to deal with. You don't scare me and you won't make me change my opinion.»
I stood up on the bed and looked down at her menacingly «You have no idea who I am.»
The doctor sighed and rolled her eyes «Just sit down and stay calm. Or else your wound might get worst. I won't repeat myself. Either you do as I say or I'll make you.»
«Make me.»
She sighed and punched me near my broken ribs making me bend in half in pain and fall on the bed, groaning as she said smiling sweetly «Thank you for your collaboration Miss Manoban. I'm going to contact your girlfriend now. Rest well.»

And out of the VIP room she was.

I struggled to regain my knocked out breath «Oh that bitch... Oh she's gonna pay... Holy hell she's strong....» I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep.


«Lalisa Manoban.» Jisoo's stern voice woke me up with a smile
«Honey! You're finally here.» then my face darkened «Get naked and bend over that table for me. I'm gonna fuck you really well. No complaining.»
«No fuck you. I won't do what you said like in the past.»
I glared at her and demanded coldly «Now Kim Jisoo. Or you're going to get punished.»
She gulped and shivered «A-Alright! Fine! Don't punish me! Bu-But wait! I need to ask you something!»
I rolled my eyes groaning «What Jisoo, talk.»
«Do you think we could find a way for me to work for you and go to school at the same time?» she asked nervously «I've always wanted to be an actress and this seems my chance...»
I shrugged «Sure. You can go to school and come to my office when you're free to be what you already are. My slut. My girlfriend and slut. No need for you to be my secretary again, I'll find someone else.»
She blinked her eyes cynically for then burst out «What the fuck Manoban! I'm not!»
«Get naked and bend over.» I simply ordered as she gulped and nodded
«Yes ma'am.»

And that my dears was the start of a new yet old chapter for Jisoo

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And that my dears was the start of a new yet old chapter for Jisoo. Where her girlfriend Lalisa controlled all aspects of her life. As she obeyed yet sometime rebelled, but finally starting her path towards her dream, living by someone she loved for as toxic as it was.

Jisoo just wanted to know what her ex and superstar was up to, only to end back in a circle she thought she escaped. Regrets filling her yet contented.

Always by Lalisa Manoban side. Always at her will. But loved unconditionally.

~The End~

989 words

Yes. This is really the end. I wanted to try giving it an abrupt, simple and unexpected ending.
Idk how I feel about it honestly since I'm used to less... Uhm, sudden endings? But I like to try things out!

What do you think? How do you feel about sudden, "random" endings like this one? I'm curious!

Also stay tuned cuz you'll have to vote for the next story between those that had more votes in the previous pool!

Thanks for reading, commenting and voting! (As well as dealing with my experiments ahaha)

Big hug and kiss 🤗😘

-Ary 🌈🦄🤙🏻

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