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Dr. Bolt

"This is it Critter," Dr. Bolt said, his voice echoing in the underground lair. He hardly noticed as his hands went through the familiar motions of arming his newest creation. Critter, a small cricket, crawled over her friends' shoulder to look at the piece. It was a bulky thing, even more so in the lanky arms of its creator. The Exergist. It had taken him a long time, but it was finally complete. Critter let out a happy chirp, turning her little head to look at her companion.

Dr. Bolt's smile widened, his bloodshot eyes reflecting his excitement. "With this weapon, we finally have him. Ironclad won't know what hit him. We'll go down as the greatest villains in history."

Two leather gloved fingers flicked Critter from his shoulders, sending her flying across the dark room with a trill.

"Critter!" Dr. Bolt clumsily dropped his apparatus and rushed towards her.

"You defeat Ironclad?" said a feminine voice drenched with mockery. "If that ever happened it would be a whole new low for villains around the world."

Dr. Bolt gently caressed the wide-eyed Critter as he turned around. Valpine stood in her usual manner, leaning towards one leg, with a hand resting on her hip. As she lazily flicked off the imaginary dust from her fingers, Dr. Bolt revered the agony she would go through once she developed a severe case of osteoarthrosis from her posture.

"The odds are on my side." He said. "No one has gone against him as much as I have"

She let out a belittling laugh. "No one has failed as much as you have. Besides, I thought those were just play dates where you showed off your cute little craft projects"

"These "crafts" are what set me apart from you and the other boorish villains. I, unlike you, am a sophisticated specimen. I don't blindly rely on strength like some kind of brute. None of you hold an ounce of the intelligence needed to do the things I have done."

"Right." She lazily glanced over to the weapon. "So," she nudged it with her foot, "this is what you needed my samples for? Teleportation is a rare ability. You better pay up."

"I will." He replied as he moved the Exergist away from her.


Valpine glared at the little man. How could someone invest so much in their own failure? That's what his work always amounted to. Everyone saw this, except for him it seemed.

As she studied him, she started to notice his disheveled state. It wasn't unusual for him to look unkempt, he never cared for his appearance, however, something about the way his hair stuck out in different directions, the dark circles under his bloodshot eyes, the paleness of his skin, something made him look messier than usual. Then, she noticed that he was wearing that horrid coat he loved so much. That can only mean one thing....

"You're meeting him already." Valpine said, amused. "You haven't even tested it. Isn't that too much of a risk factor for you, Dolt?"

She saw his fingers tick in annoyance and grinned.

"It's been over three years, you know it's Dr. Bolt, and no," He adjusted the collar of his coat, "not tonight. I was just rehearsing. Maybe in a month. Right now, he's....," his shoulders sagged as let out a heavy low sigh, "on vacation. Staying in Jade Beach the rumors say"

Valpine raised her eyebrow at his genuine sadness. "Is that right?" She asked, mocking his expression. "All you had to do was ask."

With a flick of her fingers, a puff of smoke surrounded Dr. Bolt and Critter. 

Dr. BoltWhere stories live. Discover now