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Dr. Bolt

The weapon, Dr. Bolt thought, it's stronger than usual. The blue light became brighter and brighter, the shakes more violent. What is- green liquid covered his hands. It was the substance that made up Valpine's power. Oh. His stomach dropped. Oh no. The blinding light forcefully shot out into different directions.


Dr. Bolt was underwater, and he was drowning. He couldn't distinguish up from down, but his panicking mind forced him to pick a path and swim towards it. Luckily, he picked the right one. As his head surfaced, he desperately gasped for air and struggled to keep himself afloat. Critter. He quickly grabbed her from his hair. Her entire body was soaked. She was trembling as she looked up at him with fearful eyes, her antennas drooping down. She was clearly scared, but she was alive.

With that, he was finally able to calm his breathing; however, his relief was overshadowed by a new wave of panic. He was inside of a cave and the water was rising.

"No, no, no." Dr. Bolt pleaded as the gap between his head and the rock ceiling slowly reduced.

"Yes, yes, yes." A laughing voice said from behind him. He turned around. Ironclad was gliding on his back, a wide smile on his face. His face mask had been washed away, revealing his obnoxiously perfect, clear skin. "I'm assuming your little plan backfired? That's quite a shame. I didn't understand it but the way you said that last line," he shivered dramatically. "Sent shivers right down my spine."

"The Exergist!" Dr. Bolt yelled as he frantically pushed himself against the water to look around.

"The what?"

"The- the giant raygun!"

"Ah, your little toy." Still on his back, Ironclad lazily paddled through the water, moving in slow circles around Dr. Bolt. "Oo it sounds so dark and scary when you give it a name like that. You should take that name instead. Dr. Dolt just isn't very horror aspiring."

As Dr. Bolt searched, he extended his right hand to keep Critter above the water. "We need that gun to get out. Look above the water, it should float."

"Nah, I'm okay. I'll just wait until my head turns into a shark's head or whatever."

Dr. Bolt felt something cold pressing against the hand that was holding Critter. He looked up to see it now touching the rock ceiling. No, no. I need more time. Behind him, Ironclad continued to ramble. "Man, I actually don't want that. It was a very odd experience. Maybe this time I'll discover a hidden power that turns me into a merman or something." Breathing fast, Dr. Bolt pressed his face against the ceiling, struggling to prevent the rising water from reaching his face. His back ached. "With my body, now that would be quite the sight, don't you think?"

The last thing Dr. Bolt heard was Ironclad's laughter before they were both submerged underwater.

It was dark, but there was still enough light for him to see.

I need to keep looking.

It was getting harder to hold his breath. Ironclad wiggled his eyebrows at him before closing his eyes, clearly expecting something miraculous to happen. Despite himself, Dr. Bolt waited with him.

And waited.

And waited.

Dr. Bolt was losing consciousness. He fought to keep his eyes open. He thought he saw Ironclad's face starting to discolor. Is he transforming? No.... could he also drowning? No, that can't be...

Ironclad's eyes suddenly snapped open, panic on his face. Bubbles rushed out of his mouth as he yelled underwater. He reached behind him and pulled out the Exergist.

That bastard, Dr. Bolt thought.

Once again, the blinding light poured over them and their surroundings.

Dr. BoltWhere stories live. Discover now