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Dr. Bolt

Dr. Bolt couldn't distinguish any details within the blur of his new surroundings, but he knew he was no longer in the Villain's Lair. The cold and dark atmosphere had been replaced with a harsh light and a blazing heat. The rough hum of the battered AC unit was also gone, replaced by the sound of waves. He felt Critter crawl under his coat.

Jade Beach. A smile dominated his face. Valpine, you snake. Her actions had been ill-intended, no doubt, but she had sent him on the path to success and glory. Perhaps he would design a set of joint prosthetics for when the consequences of her posture caught up.

Yes, I'll have to work on that, was his last thought before he spun around and was met with a ... spandex behind. Repulsed, Dr. Bolt jerked backwards. A pair of golden eyes peered at him through an upside-down avocado face mask.

They blinked at him.

"Dr. Bore?" Ironclad slowly straightened himself from his yoga pose, a Prasarita Padottanasana, Dr. Bolt noted. Because Ironclad was standing on an elevated platform, the pose had given Dr. Bolt a view that was....unsavory.

Once Ironclad was fully standing and had turned to face him, Dr. Bolt was painfully aware of just how much the platform highlighted their height difference.

"Bolt." Dr. Bolt corrected absently. He tapped one side of his shoe with the other. An invisible force pushed out of them, elevating him from the ground and bringing him to an equal height.

"Ironclad," Dr. Bolt called. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't fight the crazed expression that overtook him again. Valpine was right, he was being uncharacteristically daring. He hadn't been himself lately, not since he was struck by the sudden idea that would change everything. He had gone against Ironclad sixty-four times in the past. Each time, he had prepared obsessively and yet, he always failed. Even when he had considered every possible factor in the realm of reality, even then, Ironclad would conjure up a whole new factor into existence that completely turned the table. Apart from being infuriating, Ironclad's constant victory was downright absurd. How is it that Ironclad, at the most oddly convenient time, discovered that he had the power to morph his head into that of a shark. It was surreal, like if the universe was designed around him. There was just no sense to it.

Dr. Bolt forcefully clenched his shaking hands. That's all over now. Yes, yes it was. This time would be different because Dr. Bolt had realized something concrete that he could understand. A pattern. Just before Ironclad miraculously found a way out, there was always a moment where it seemed like Dr. Bolt would win. He didn't need to defeat Ironclad. If he could just find a way to prolong that time. Since there was currently no way to manipulate time, it required some creativity, but Dr. Bolt had finally found a method that could achieve a similar result. The prospect renewed his excitement. A deranged laugh escaped his lips.

Dr. BoltOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant