CH 8 (1)

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Dr. Bolt

"Here". Dr. Bolt said, tossing a bottle towards Ironclad, who instinctively caught it. Ironclad scowled, but paused to study the water droplets running down his finger.

"You finally make yourself useful." Ironclad said as he unscrewed the cap. "It's good to see that you're not going to be a complete burden."

Dr. Bolt sat down on a bench and silently caressed Critter. They were in the alley between the hospital and the apartments. Ironclad narrowed his eyes, studying the buildings across the street. Come on, Dr. Bolt eyed that water bottle. Critter stirred under his finger. Ironclad raised the bottle to his lips, and chugged it down. Dr. Bolt grinned.

"We still need food and a place to stay." Ironclad said, blindly tossing the empty bottle behind him. Dr. Bolt's grin didn't falter when it hit his head before bouncing to the floor. "I'm sure that someone here has the common decency to assist me," Any time now..."and no, before you say anything, we will not-" Ironclad stumbled but caught himself. He blinked before continuing, "We will not force someone to give up their own housing for..." Ironclad trailed off, studying the sky as if he had never seen it before. His head looped to the side, and he stumbled with it. "My powers! They're back!" Ironclad extended his hands in a flying stance, although his legs hadn't moved from the ground. He stumbled again. "Wai- '' Ironclad fell on the pavement face first.

Dr. Bolt stopped caressing Critter.

Tense, he waited, but Ironclad didn't rise. Dr. Bolt held Critter closer to him. She flexed her wings in pleasure as he ran his finger down her back.

"It's true. It really is. I hardly did anything. So easy." Dr. Bolt whispered. Getting the sedative hadn't been difficult. The hospital was smaller than he had presumed. He even had time to actually use the bathroom, but even so, he never thought it would work so well. If he had tried something like that back home, some kind of distraction would have kept it from ever reaching Ironclad's lips. The universe no longer worked for Ironclad. He was as vulnerable as he could have ever been....

"Dammit!" Dr. Bolt yelled as he slammed his head against the brick wall behind him. This would've been perfect. In this state, Ironclad would've never been able to find his way back home, so why did Dr. Bolt have to be dragged in with him. It was all so inconveniently convenient.

Critter flew from his hands and landed on top of his nose. Her antennas dropped down as she looked at him with concern. He took her in his hands again and closed his eyes with a sigh. "It's okay. We can fix this, somehow... there is always a way.."

He sat up. "This inconveniently convenient situation, we can use it and just make it... convenient. There is nothing we need to change because...because I was dragged into this word." He stood, and Critter flew around him in excited spirals. "My goal remains the same." He walked to Ironclads unconscious body and grabbed his glove from the hospital bag's side pocket. He pulled it on, grinning at Critter. "World domination awaits us."

A proper villain debut had three main components; a villain identity, a populated area, and an unforgettable declaration to imprint those who witnessed it. "Last time, it took me two years to plan my debut." Dr. Bolt mumbled to himself. "Assuming that it will take me that same amount of time, I will need to establish a base where I can start to plan." For two whole years. Could he really wait that long again? Where had that planning gotten him? Spiking Ironclads drink had been on impulse. A thought one minute, action the next. No contemplation, no cross analyzing, just action. Thinking back to it, that's how this all started. He never planned to face Ironclad during his vacation. Vivian was the one who threw him into that. It wasn't the setting or the time he had planned, but it couldn't have gone better then if he had planned it. He didn't need to study or to carefully manipulate every factor- he simply needed to act.

This would be part of his new villain identity. Dr. Bolt, the villain of action.

Dr. Bolt stepped out of the alley, and crossed the street. The ambulance had taken him south. To return to the place where Ironclad had been hit, he had to go northwards. He didn't intend to reach that specific street- it had been too far away, but as he expected, the further he walked the more people he saw ahead. He pressed himself against a building, hiding from their view. Which building would give him the greatest audience? The coffee shop? That park? That's when he saw it. A wide, four story auditorium. The rotating door circled as a group of people pushed through it. Cars slowed as they entered the parking lot. It was still morning, but in just a few minutes, this building was going to be polluted with activity. All he had to do was wait. 

Dr. BoltWhere stories live. Discover now