CH 7 (2)

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"The comics?" Ironclad bent down to get a better look. The shelf was filled with rows of thin books. Their spines read 'Ironclad!' followed by different numbers.

"What volumes have you read already?" the guy asked.

Ironclad slid one of the thin books from the shelves. Ironclad! Battling Dr. Bolt's cyborgs. The words were accompanied by an illustration of a city. Above it, Ironclad was soaring over the night. Below it, Dr. Bolt's silhouette was directing cyborgs with a raised hand.

He flipped over the pages, finding many illustrations with short dialogues. As he continued to flip, he realized they were depicting an event he remembered. Dr. Bolt had tried to send cyborgs to attack him but all of them became sentient and devoted themselves to pacifism. It was really a touching story.

The next book had a portrait of Ironclad with a black background. There was a halo-like light surrounding his form. His eyes were closed in a sentimental expression and both of his hands were pressed against his chest.

Ironclad skimmed over that one as well. It was depicting the story of when he had met the Broccoli Queen.

For years, Dr. Bolt would tear her people from their homeland, chop them, boil them, and devour them. In efforts to save them, the Broccoli Queen used her powers to make them bigger. They grew up to over five feet, their strong roots anchored them into the ground, their core hardened, becoming too powerful for humans to cut or pull out. However, she wasn't strong enough to change all of them. She used the last bit of power she had to temporarily make Ironclad over two-hundred feet tall, so that he could defeat Dr. Bolt. That day, the Broccoli Queen had sacrificed everything for her people. She was the greatest broccoli's Ironclad had ever known.

Ironclad looked over the spines of the books that were on the shelf. He understood now that each book was a reminiscence of the most meaningful pieces of history.

Next to him, the guy had kneeled down and was watching him. Ironclad wiped his eyes. "I understand now." Ironclad told him. "They are reminiscences of the most meaningful pieces of history. These books, these sacred texts, are very precious. Whether it's metaphorical or literal, I believe that these books will give me the power I need to find my way back home."

The guy furrowed his eyebrows. "Um, that's....yea.. " He was nodding, a smile forming. "Yea! Those words- That's exactly how I feel. It starts off as mindless entertainment, until you find the one. The one that changes your life, brings you back and reminds you of what's important when you've strained too far. I- wow. You are a pretty cool guy. I would love to hear more of your perspective." He laughed as he scratched the back of his head. His laugh wasn't that annoying, in fact it was almost musical. "If you're free, you should come by on Wednesday." The guy jogged to his desk and grabbed a brochure. "We host a weekly club here. We talk about comics, mangas, anime, anything really. We could even talk about Ironclad."

"Thank you." Ironclad accepted the brochure, although he wasn't planning on using it. A hero didn't depend on the help of others. He would unlock the powers of the sacred text himself.

Between two of the posters hanging on the glass wall, Ironclad caught sight of Dr. Bolt- the real Dr. Bolt this time, walking along the street searching for Ironclad.

"I need to get going now. Thank you for the book." Ironclad said, turning to the door with the book in his hands.

"Uh... but..." The guy stammered.

"Oh! I almost forgot." Ironclad turned back to him.

The guy laughed nervously and played with the cash register.

"Can I take this with me?" Ironclad asked, holding up an Ironclad Suit. He had spotted it rolled under one of the shelves. It was ragged, the whites were more of a gray, and the metallic golds a dull orange, but Ironclad was happy to have anything that helped him hang onto his identity.

"Uhhh..." the guy said, hands hovering over the cashier.

"Thanks!" Ironclad said. He stuffed it into his hospital bag and hurried to meet Dr. Bolt before he could see the store. 

Dr. BoltTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang