CH 9

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Dr. Len

As Dr. Len walked to her office, her thoughts wandered again to the incident with the officers and the cosplayer. She had made the right decision to intervene. It was unprofessional for an officer to pressure a witness that way, however, she had to agree with Dr. Mayona; Dr. Len could have dealt with the situation better.

She had to be better overall. If the hospital saw her as a capable doctor, it was possible that they would offer her a permanent position after Dr. Munoz came back from her maternity leave. A permanent position.... Is that what I want now? No. Staying wasn't an option. Her being here was conflicting enough.

Dr. Len opened the door to her office and switched on the lights. Before she could reach her desk, she tripped over a bundle of cloth. The bundle cursed. Dr. Len snatched a lamp from her desk and lifted it with both hands. The figure began to rise.

"Critter doesn't like sudden changes in light." He said.

Dr. Len paused. It was the kid from before. He was still wearing his costume, but this time a scarf- her scarf- was wrapped around his face. In one day, she had gone from deafening him to threatening him with a lamp. Think before you act this time. Assess then decide.

He had clearly been waiting for the dark, near closing hours, with his face concealed. Not an overreaction.

"Get out." she said.

"There's no point now. She already got used to the light. I should've covered her face too." He tucked something into his pocket and turned to her, except he was facing too far to the left. Apparently the scar was too thick to see through. "I-I need a doctor. A discrete one. You can't ask me any questions, including my identity." He paused. "I need a plastic surgeon."

Dr. Len raised an eyebrow but didn't lower her lamp.

"We don't provide that service. I can direct you to a place that does but it's far and has a long waiting list."

"No, no." There was a nervous hand tic as he shook his head. "That's not good enough. I need something now." He began tapping his finger against his palm. Those gestures... She lowered the lamp and patiently waited for his explanation. The cosplayer finalled signed. "Perhaps you will understand if I show you who I am. We have met before. I had to cover my face because anyone who recognizes me tries to," he shivered. "to talk to me, even touch me. I'll show you who I am, but if you try anything, you will be regretting it for years to come."

She nodded, but then remembered he couldn't see it. "Go ahead." she said.

He removed the scarf.

"I am Dr. Bolt." He said as he extended both of his arms, a grin on his face.

Dr. Len stared. He stayed in that position, waiting for a reaction. She blinked. Had she missed something?

"You are not surprised," He said suspiciously.

Dr. Len placed the lamp on her desk and sat down.

"Well, your.... attire was a big hint."

The cosplayer looked down at himself. He was wearing a long black coat, thick combat boots, and one thin glove on his right hand.

"If you don't want strangers coming up to you, it might help if you stop dressing like Dr. Bolt."

"Stop dressing like Dr. Bolt? I dress like I dress. If I change, wouldn't that still be dressing like Dr. Bolt?"

"Not if the clothes you wear looks like Dr. Bolt's wardrobe."

"I understand." He said slowly. "Yes, my clothes alone may serve as a disguise. You are a qualified doctor then. That.. certificate on the wall made me think otherwise. Only doctors who lack real skill need a piece of paper for validation." He sneered at her diploma that was hanging on the wall. "You don't even have a lair to perform these kinds of procedures. I assumed that was negligence, but now I see it was a precaution. You disguise yourself too."

As he rambled, Dr. Len thought about how to proceed. He was young, perhaps in his early twenties. Did he have a family? Perhaps his other friend from before. The one dressed up as Ironclad.

"I haven't had to disguise myself before but it seems like the right move here. First, I need to gather the disguises. I need clothes. There is a store across the street. They had many displayed."

"Most stores here are closed by now." she said.

He looked up at her, apparently forgetting she was there. "I'll look for a vent then. Those are more accessible anyways. Less people." He grabbed the lamp from her desk. "But I will take this incase."

"Wait!" Dr. Len stepped into his path. "What do you plan on doing? Stealing and hitting people with a lamp?" She took the lamp. "Jesus, you sound like Gin. Were all kids like this now? She rubbed her forehead.

"I warned you before, if you try anything it won't end well." The guy said.

Dr. Len blinked. "What? No, I'm not going to... try anything." It was a concerning reaction. She chose her next words carefully. It was like dealing with a skittish deer. "Why don't you go home and grab some clothes from there."

"I can't go home."

"And why is that? Can you talk about it?"

"I tried to entrap Ironclad in an infinite cycle of despair but I underestimated my own abilities and sent both of us to this world."

"Oh." His serious expression didn't falter.

"I see." She finally said. He was... an odd kid. His behavior was unusual, and therefore hard to read. He was unpredictable.

His finger continued to tap the palm of his other hand.

Unpredictable and odd, but he didn't seem to mean any harm. She glanced at the lamp in her hands. Well, perhaps not under normal circumstances. There was clearly something true behind his story. Maybe an unexpected life change. Whatever his crisis was, it was leading to rashness.

"Then, I'll propose another solution." Dr. Len said. "I have a safe place where you can stay. You asked for a discrete doctor? Well, I assure you, you came to the right one. No one will know where Dr. Bolt is staying."

Dr. Bolt narrowed his eyes. "Continue."

"I have a room in the apartment next door. You can stay there for now." She pulled her keys from her pocket and held them up to him. "What do you think?"

"You won't tell anyone?"

"I won't tell anyone that Dr. Bolt is staying there." She paused. "My brother will know that someone is staying there, but I won't tell him who. I'll ask him for clothes."

He scrunched his nose. "I won't wear clothes used by others." He said as he grabbed the lamp.

"Then I will make sure that they are new." She said, tightening her grip.

"Fine." He reached to snatch the keys, but she pulled away, gesturing to the lamp between them. He rolled his eyes but let go.

"Okay, the room number is 306, on the second floor. Make yourself at-" He walked past her and out the room. Dr. Len didn't move as she was, once again, contemplating a decision she had made.

Dr. BoltWhere stories live. Discover now